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Re" Westminster Lab judge?

who is judging labs at Westminster in Feb 2010?

Re: Re" Westminster Lab judge?

...Marion Lyons.

Re: Re" Westminster Lab judge?

Not to stir trouble but, Is this a political judge?
I just don't know a better way to ask
IF I decide to enter, this will be a cross country (about 37 hour drive) trip and I certainly don't want to waste my time if it's handlers (I do not use a handler) or faces (I am not one) type of judging she is known for.

Re: Re" Westminster Lab judge?

Her past assignments look like they resulted in decent wins:

Re: Re" Westminster Lab judge?

I don't think you'll find a fairer judge than Marion. She knows a good Lab, and that's what she judges.

Re: Re" Westminster Lab judge?

Not to stir trouble but,

Just a side note. Most people don't realize that using the word "but" like in this quote effectively negates what was just said. It's like saying "Not to stir up trouble but, I'm going to stir up trouble anyway." Has anyone said something to you starting with "I don't want to hurt your feelings but..." and you automatically bristle thinking that now your feelings are going to be hurt?

Keeping the "but" out will help keep forum discussions positive. Try writing your post leaving out everything before and including the word "but" and see how it sounds. Be direct!

Re: Re" Westminster Lab judge?

Marion Lyons is one of the very few breeder judges that does not care one bit who is on the other end of the leash. She will put up who she thinks is the best dog on that day. Wish I had someone to show to her. May even try to get there as a spectator. That would be an adventure!

Re: Re" Westminster Lab judge?

I have showed to her, no complaints. She knows a good lab and is a fair consistant judge.

Re: Re" Westminster Lab judge?


Re: Re" Westminster Lab judge?

Marion is VERY fair and consistent. She likes what she likes and will put up and dog or bitch that is her type of Labrador. She has an extensive judging career, so go check her winners on InfoDog and decide if you have a dog that is worth showing to her.

Re: Re" Westminster Lab judge?

anyone know what Marion likes?

Re: Re" Westminster Lab judge?

The best (and professional) thing to do is to take the time to look up who she placed on and see for yourself.

Re: Re" Westminster Lab judge?

Premium says...
I don't think you'll find a fairer judge than Marion. She knows a good Lab, and that's what she judges.

That's 2 years in a row with fair judging. It's great to know they'll be looking at the dog, not who's at the end of the leash. I'm looking forward to the show.

Great choices Westminster and AKC for the past 2 years. I won't comment prior to that except I was disappointed in some other judging.

Good luck wishes to all entries.

Re: Re" Westminster Lab judge?

Gosh I hope you're right!

Westminster here we come
Premium says...
I don't think you'll find a fairer judge than Marion. She knows a good Lab, and that's what she judges.

That's 2 years in a row with fair judging. It's great to know they'll be looking at the dog, not who's at the end of the leash. I'm looking forward to the show.

Great choices Westminster and AKC for the past 2 years. I won't comment prior to that except I was disappointed in some other judging.

Good luck wishes to all entries.