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Scheduled C-section

What is the rule of thumb for a scheduled C-section. What day do you schedule for? Thanks in advance.

Re: Scheduled C-section

if a section is absolutely necessary the ideal day would be 63 days from ovulation.
but with that being said my repro vet will not do a section unless temperature has dropped, dog is in labor or progesterone numbers are below 2.

Re: Scheduled C-section

My modus operandi is to make sure both my vets, the repro vet and my regular vet here in town, know when I am expecting a litter. I then wait until the temperature drops and let them know that has happened. I tentatively schedule a C-section for the next day. If she whelps in the meantime, fine. I call and cancel the C-section. If not, I am set and ready to take her in. I try to have the C-section during regular working hours if I can.

Re: Scheduled C-section

if a section is absolutely necessary the ideal day would be 63 days from ovulation.
but with that being said my repro vet will not do a section unless temperature has dropped, dog is in labor or progesterone numbers are below 2.

Absolutely have your vet run a progesterone test. Had a repro specialist schedule a section 63 days from ovulation - because " it always works out to be correct" . Well, the puppies were premature, the bitch had no milk etc. What a nightmare. Will never again do a scheduled section without a progesterone test.

Re: Scheduled C-section

If you are going to do a scheduled c section, ONLY when her progesterone level is 2 or below.