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My 13 year old girl (we are sure) has pancreatits. My country vet put her on amoxicillin but asked what the other vets out there may have prescribed. Does anyone have experience with this? Can anyone recommend another medication that may be more effective?

Re: pancreatitis

There are alot of things you can try but they are not always successful. Fasting for 48 hours, enzymes to spinkle on food 20-30 minutes before feeding, are just a couple. You can try an antibactarial like metronidazole to knock down bactaria in intestines.
The pancreas is part of the digestive system. When its not working right food that is undigested goes into the intestines undigested causing bacteria growth.
Best of luck.

Re: pancreatitis

and watch out for dehydration

Re: pancreatitis

After the initial bout of Pancreatitis is subsiding from the anitbiotics and good nursing care (fluids and rest), I recommend feeding Purina OM dog food. It comes in canned and dry and I have to get it at from my vet. I had a Nofolk Terrier that was fed this way for 6 years and never had a recurrance and I also fed a Labrador OM for 4 years and again never had a recurrance. These dogs stayed in great condition and liked the food. Just my experience, hope it is helpful.

Re: pancreatitis

Thanks for the info, will give that food a try. Fever is down now and resting comfortably. Vet gave me doggy pedialite to try to hydrate. She is drinking a bit better now. Thanks everyone.......Cindy

Re: pancreatitis

She may be Vit B12 deficient due to the pancreatitis. I just went through this with one of my girls; she was in great pain soon after finishing a meal - the minute the food hit the bottom of her stomach. We tested for everything, she was not really symptomatic for pancreatitis, ulcer, etc etc. We sent in blood for a gastric test to Texas A&M. She proved to be deficient in Vit B12.

This may not be the case for your girl, but it is worth looking into. A weekly oral dose of a prescription liquid B12 for a month helped my girl. Duying the B12 treatments, I also softened her food in warm water. Texaas A&M's vet school has specialty blood tests for gastric disorders.

Pancreatitis may cause malabsorption of Vitamin B12. Texas A&M University provides a treatment protocol.

Re: pancreatitis

Keep her away from fatty foods & treats, people food, etc. for the rest of her life. Once a dog has had an attack, they tend to have recurrences. I found that withholding food when they show signs of an attack, keeping them hydrated, and keeping them in a quiet place--my old boy liked to stay in my shower--helped get them over an attack. After his first attack he was on antibiotics for an extended period--almost a month as I recall.

Re: pancreatitis

What are some signs of this ? Do they get loose stools. Get anxious ? My old girl has had a couple of bouts of something.