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Shredded paper

Where do you buy it? How much does it cost? is it plain paper with no ink on it?

Re: Shredded paper

I have friends that save newspapers for me. They even sort the shiny stuff out.

I bought a shredder at Lowe's. Don't by a cheap one. Mine cast about $98, but works great.

Re: Shredded paper

Don't your yellow puppies turn gray?

Re: Shredded paper

Never had a problem.

Re: Shredded paper

Also, I shred old telephone books. Soft and no grey print on pups.

Re: Shredded paper

We have lived in Maryland and now in New Jersey. At both places we found recycling centers where you can get the shredded paper. What you want to get is the trim from newsprint. This is the paper only with no printing on it. If you live near NJ the place is in Jersey City and they even deliver. Galaxy 201-420-4321 ext. 224; ask for Lillian. We use the shredded papers for all our litters and love it. Keeps the puppies clean and makes them easy to housebreak.