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side by side A/I

We did a fresh semen A/I tonight and usually we will rest the bitch in her crate for an hour after but as I was walking her to her crate she squatted and peed..Will this flush out the semen?? ( We did feather her for 5 minutes after the A/I)

Re: side by side A/I

Not if the semen was deposited correctly near the cervix.

Re: side by side A/I

What does feathering a girl after an A/I do?

Re: side by side A/I

Thanks iaj....
feathering induces contractions in the female to help move those little swimmers along..(with a live covering the female once tied will have contractions)

Re: side by side A/I

feathering causes the release of oxytocin which helps "pull" the semen to the cervix

Re: side by side A/I

What's feathering?

Re: side by side A/I

Feathering: you place your index finger in the vulva with the palm of your finger toward the top or spine and rub back and forth to feather and induce contractions, drawing the sperm in the right direction. Its not your finger doing this per se, its the contraction as a result of your finger action.

Some do this with an AI and others don't.

Its also a good idea to place the bitches hips up on your lap (elevated) right after an AI and keep her there for at least 10 minutes.

And to the OP. You never want the bitch to squat right after an AI or she can just be pushing all those little guys out (in the wrong direction)......