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Puppy Buyers and Pick of litter

Series of Questions For Breeders:

Do you put your pick pups out with the pet pups when your buyers come over?
Mix them up?

I tried separating them but the buyers always want to see them if they are here.
Any suggestions?

I always get talked in to it and the buyers can even tell the difference and then they feel that they are getting the bad puppy.

I give all buyers the typical spiel about how and why we keep at times 4 pups to run on and as they come available they are sold to companion homes.

I’ve lost 2 buyers this year due to the above issue.
This is not a year to lose buyers.

I had 1 buyer tell me that if he could not have first pick he wanted his deposit back. I said "here ya go". He looked shocked but it sure felt good!!

Advice would sure be appreciated.

I was thinking and when all of us run on let’s 3 pups we end up losing in the end if they turn out to be pet pups.

But if we get that 1 pup we obviously win! lol

We spend money on Vet, training/food/chipped and shots etc.

Then maybe at 1 year the public seems to think they are worth less than an 8 week old pup – no matter how much I explain that they actually worth more.

Do you come across this too?


Re: Puppy Buyers and Pick of litter

Easy fix.
Tell every puppy buyer that calls that there are two puppies left and they can pick from those two. Also say that a few are going to show homes. That way, they don't expect to have many options when they arrive. If they aren't happy with that arrangement they won't even give you a deposit.

Re: Puppy Buyers and Pick of litter

Simple. People talk, puppies don't. I spend 8wks with pups and know them closely. People can tell me all about their lifestyle, family etc. Therefore, I select the puppy for the family that I feel will be the best possible match for them. After having puppy buyers linger on selecting a puppy, only to look at me and say which one do you think would be best for us; this is when I started to select the puppy for the new owner. I tell them when they get to my house and meet their pup if they aren't happy, then I will work with them to select another puppy. In the end, they are MY puppies. I keep what I want and I let them see which pups I want. Plain and simple. I've never had anyone dissatisfied with a puppy I have selected for them. In fact, I get more emails and verbal communication from them about how pleased they are and shocked that I picked just the right pup for their family.

Re: Puppy Buyers and Pick of litter

Oh... one more thing... if they question the "show pup" thing, tell them that the show dogs sell for $4,000. That will set them straight on a pet puppy.

Re: Puppy Buyers and Pick of litter

Boys who wants them?
Oh... one more thing... if they question the "show pup" thing, tell them that the show dogs sell for $4,000. That will set them straight on a pet puppy.


Re: Puppy Buyers and Pick of litter

All my pups look so much alike they can not tell any difference. I let mine all out in a pen and let them play a few minutes. They love to see them. If they want a boy, I put the girls and my picks somewhere else. Most of the time I have already match and told them who they are getting. They know they don't get to pick. Then if they really do get to pick from two or three they are thrill but still look back and say, what do you think you know them better. Better not start bartering with me. They get nothing.

Re: Puppy Buyers and Pick of litter

One must be "in control" of the situation. Present yourself as the person in charge. If a BULLY drives into my driveway, he or she always leaves without a puppy, if you think that person is a pain in the butt now, wait untill that puppy has a minor issue, no place for that relationship to go but down !

Re: Puppy Buyers and Pick of litter

agree it is a control situation. When buyers call I automatically let them know 4 of the pups are taken leaving ... available. This gives me leway for running on or selling later.

When they visit, I tell them which pups are available as their possible choice, others are already spoken for. this way I can help them pick the right puppy for them.

sending photos before hand gets them excited about the few they may have to choose from.

I have never had anyone tell me pick or else, because it is never a possible choice.

When pet families ask about paying more for pick, I tell them I charge the same price for all puppies, no matter color or sex...of course they do not know what I charge other buyers and it is non of their business.
I also never hesitate when folks want a price break...this is the price and this is what I can offer you for this price. I never come down once I state a price to someone.

Re: Puppy Buyers and Pick of litter

I am very upfront from the beginning that I get MY picks, and I don't know who they are until 7-8 weeks. I also tell them that they can share with me who their favorites are and based on their family and the pup personality I will try to make the best pairing possible. If choices are available, they get to pick between 1 or 2 pups. I had one family pick between boys, and I was hoping they would pick the small boy because I thought the large boy would be better for hunting. Sure enough the large boy picked them and I had to let them have him. In the end the family who got the small boy ADORED him and he's already got hunting titles on him! I also had one guy who signed up first on my list but VERY aware of what and how I was doing picks. When it was said and done, he had a pick between the one he ALWAYS gravitated to and another girl and then looked kind of pissed that he had to take his favorite home without picking from the whole litter. Go figure.

Re: Puppy Buyers and Pick of litter

"Boys who wants them" couldn't have said it better, and it's exactly how I do things.

I make it really clear at the time the deposit is taken, how puppies are picked. I do make brief notes on each family, (family dynamics, prior dog experiences, whether they want to hunt, show, obediences, what look they liked in my kennel, etc) and on the day they pick up their pup, I can provide them with a reasonable rationale for why I picked the pup I did for them. Its way better than them looking for a few minutes and being expected to pick. I remember the days of people taking ages to pick and others waiting in the driveway because things got backed up and in the end, most people didn't know what to do. I let them see the litter and then I reach in and say "this is your puppy" and they love them to pieces. I have all the paperwork done in advance, with tattoo number, etc, which is a big help too. I wouldn't do it any other way, nowadays.

Re: Puppy Buyers and Pick of litter

They only get to see the pups that are available. I never show they pups that are show pups or ones that are spoken for.

Re: Puppy Buyers and Pick of litter

I do not come across the loss of money either. Let's say my pups are $1000 at 7 weeks. If I keep 3 to run on until they are 10 weeks the one I sell is $1100. If I keep the other two until they are 4 months then I am training them also and their price goes up to $1200 or more. I sell my pups at more as they age until they are around 6 months and they stop increasing at around $1500-$1650.

I guess the key is if you act like they are worth the money and ask the money you will get the money. :)