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Olympic flame

I know you probably don't care about this, but my partner is en route to Athens to bring the torch to Vancouver ..

Re: Olympic flame

Congratulations to your partner. I love the Olympics (Summer & Winter)

Will your partner be running with the flame or is that just a Summer Olympics thing?

Re: Olympic flame

That is AWESOME!!!

Re: Olympic flame

Your partner is clearly Cdn then too!!!

Us Canucks are proud!


Re: Olympic flame

Although I was not able to carry the tourch I was able to hold one when it came through our area on one of the relay legs here in Utah for the 2002 Winter Olympics. It is more magical than anyone can believe! I am sure your partner is having a blast!


Re: Olympic flame

what a wonderful way to be a part of history.
how exciting!

Re: Olympic flame

You are right, we don't care... NOT

What a great experience, congrats, pardon for my question, the winter olimypics will be in Canada?

Re: Olympic flame

Yes they are .. Vancouver 2010. And no, he's not part of the relay - he's in the military and will be escorting the flame from Athens to Canada

Re: Olympic flame

WOW, That is so nice to be a part of that. Know you are excited also.