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scratches on Mommys teats and Belly.

I would like to know if there is anything safe to put on the red teats and scratches from the puppy's nails. I clipped the nails but would like to help mommy out from the scratches. It there anything safe to use around the pups if they would get it in there mouths.I feel bad for the mom's this hurts I am more than sure!

Thanks for any information you have. I know we all go thru this from time to time the pups are 2 weeks old and second clipping.

file, Re: scratches on Mommys teats and Belly.

Sometimes you have to file the nails after clipping, for the clipping leaves sharp edges. A plain old emery board works at this age, but later you may wish to go for the kind for artificial nails, available in any cosmetic section. Gradually you can even get them used to a nail grinder--I prefer the battery operated one for puppies.

Some would use bag balm, but I'd rather they didn't ingest it. Spot wash her and she will heal fast.

file, Re: scratches on Mommys teats and Belly.

No help on the scratches. Don't be afraid to clip the nails every 4-5 days. This will help the mother.

Re: scratches on Mommys teats and Belly.

What about something that is used for diaper rash, maybe desitin?

Re: scratches on Mommys teats and Belly.

Open a gel pill of flaxseed oil and squeeze that on the scratches.

Re: scratches on Mommys teats and Belly.

Will heal her up fast and won't hurt the pups.

Re: scratches on Mommys teats and Belly.

One long-time breeder told me to never cut the puppies' nails until after they are weaned, and you will have less problems with mastitis (and the scratches, etc.) The pups nails curve under so they don't scratch unless you clip them. I followed her advice and it's worked for me! Since they are cut, I think filing them is a good idea like someone else said. Also, I'd use bag balm. That's what it was made for, after all!

Re: scratches on Mommys teats and Belly.

Thank you for all the replies I will call Nichol down the farm to bring me some bag balm up it is a dairy farm. I will now stop cutting and see what happens to her. I have filed them already hope it all works. The litter is very big have not had one like this in 7 years so lots of puppy pushing on her more than usual. Yes I rotate the pups to make sure all are being fed right they all are the same size and doing great. I was surprised!