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Dog Toys

I would like to ask this group which dog toys you would recommend for my Lab. She chews everything. The only toys I have found that last are nylabones and certain Kong toys. I would like to give her more variety but it is hard to find toys that last. She is over a year and getting better about chewing everyday but she will unstuff a toy in 2 seconds. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Re: Dog Toys

One of labs is like yours. We still use the same toys as you do - he's 3! We've also found that anything that has a squeaker in it is quickly doomed! He's getting better and isn't gutting stuffies as regularly as he used to. The others LOVE their toys and if it wasn't for him, we'd still have the original toys from our boy who is coming up 6 yrs.

Re: Dog Toys

I hear ya! We have the same types of toys in our play yard. Also heavy, duty rope bones and Jolly Balls. Knuckle bones when they are kenneled. Occassionally I will throw a couple of pumpkins out there for them to play with/eat now that we are in the fall. Apples in the other months. This never lasts long...but seems to stave off the chewies for a bit.

Re: Dog Toys

Our boy ATE the handle off the Jolly Ball we tried!? We tried the new Kong with the squeaker in it (I know stupid but it was a KONG....right!?)....we sent the pieces back the next day and received another one (different kind) instead.

Re: Dog Toys

yeah our jolly ball is missing the handle but they have not ripped up the ball itself.
About 4 months ago I bought some tire tread toys from Tractor Supply, a bone and a tire. those are still going strong! With 12 labs tearing at them I have been impressed! definitely worth the $6.

Re: Dog Toys

Good to know - will keep my eyes open for them!

Re: Dog Toys

I like the Planet Dog balls and bones. So far my gang has left them intact. One ball is at least 3 years old.

Re: Dog Toys

Try some golf club covers, they wear like iron!!

Re: Dog Toys

My dogs love the Holey Roller (am I spelling that right?) balls. They last a really long time with the dogs playing tug of war with them every day. Heavy duty rope toys also. I've found knuckle bones get disassembled so I stick with plain marrow bones from the grocery store. I do use the stuffed and squeaky toys indoors only and supervised (fetch games).

Re: Dog Toys

Jolly Ball also has a new ball in three sizes called the Bounce and Play.It does not have any holes or handles to chew. It's just a big scented ball that has a great bounce and is durable enough for lots of play time.

Re: Dog Toys

Jolly Ball also has a new ball in three sizes called the Bounce and Play.It does not have any holes or handles to chew. It's just a big scented ball that has a great bounce and is durable enough for lots of play time.

Yes we have this. Its like a big kick ball but cant be torn apart or puncher-ed. Dogs carry it around but still cant puncher it