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hEAVIEST expens

Who has the heaviest gauge expens? I already have the heavy duty welded gray prescion one. I want a regular old kind but not think wire.

Re: hEAVIEST expens

Have you checked out the Courtyard kennel by Precision??

It's on my wish list right now. I've seen it in person..and it's very durable looking.

I love that you can make it round or rectangular, and and have two of them, and join panels easily together.

Good luck !

Courtyard ex pen, Re: HEAVIEST expens

I agree with Tina's assessment. The Courtyard is very heavy and sturdy, although it is not made in America like their crates. It didn't seem as though it would flex like the lighter MW pens, as flexing MW pen fractured the leg on one of my climbing Cavalier pups, even with the plastic stabilizers. However, has anyone figured out how to double secure the latch? One can't just add a snap, and I seemed to feel it would not hold those of mine who fiddle with latches--the Cavaliers. Thanks.
For now I use the Rover plastic pens, but they are lightweight.

Courtyard ex pen, Re: HEAVIEST expens

I have 2 of the courtyards already which I use under my walk out. I love them. VERY heavy and durable. I just wish they came in black. As soon as they do, I will put the gray ones on dogshow stuff!
My plan was to take a regular expen apart, frame the panels and use them to make whelping pen panels. I am looking for the heaviest gauge wire used in black.