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calling all vet techs

What the heck is the trick to pulling medications from the vial or bottle into a syringe? I have tried adding air to the bottle, holding it straight up, sideways, and everything I can think of and the liquid barely drips into the syringe. How do ya'll do this? What is the secret? I know I've seen doctors do this fast. Thanks in advance.

Re: calling all vet techs

Maybe the needle is too small?

Re: calling all vet techs

Be sure to twist and tighten the needle to the syringe to created better suction.

Re: calling all vet techs

Make sure the plunger is fully inserted, stick in the needle or top of the syringe and pull back until you have the amount you need.

Re: calling all vet techs

Which medication are you trying to extract?

Re: calling all vet techs

your needle is too small, you need a larger guage one. Try at least a 20 or 22, the larger the # the smaller the size of the hole in the needle. A very fine guage like a 27 is almost impossible to get liquid to flow into the syringe at anything but a drip at a time.

Re: calling all vet techs

You can also try injecting some air into the vial or bottle you are trying to pull out of.

Re: calling all vet techs

Some types of vaccines are easier to extract than others. It's usually dependent on the type of bottles the pharmaceutical company is using. First reconstitute the vaccine, extract all the air, then push in the amount of air that equals your sterile diluent. This usually does the trick.

Re: calling all vet techs

Make sure the tip of the needle is below the fluid level before withdrawing into the syringe, too.