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Neutering a stud dog ?

I am looking for other's experiences with neutering a stud dog. I have a middle aged stud dog who has been used a couple of times. I also have several intact bitches in my home. His stress levels seemed to have gotten better over the eyars during their cycles, but for some reason the past 2 have been terrible for him... He has lost weight, paces, whines, and has hot spots... I have spoken to my vet and made the appointment to neuter him. He has fullfilled all my dreams and more by becoming a Champion, siring litters for me & others.. I feel it's HIS time to not have stress in his life. While I know some habits will remain I am hoping the intensity will diminish with the neuter.. I am looking for other's experiences with this before the appointment... TIA! Gosh I feel so badly for him..
And yes we have tried separating him, keeping him crated next to them, etc... And no there is no where else I feel safe placing him for the period they are in standing heat...
Thanks again for any replies.

Re: Neutering a stud dog ?

Can't answer your questions but wanted to suggest freezing him or you may someday kick yourself for not having done that.
GL to you!

Re: Neutering a stud dog ?

I'd like to hear answers to this. I've heard of one boy that was neutered but never gave up wanting to breed all the bitches when they came in season. Was he an exception or is that what usually happens when the old studs lose their equipment?

Re: Neutering a stud dog ?

I neutered a stud dog that had been used a few times a year until he was 8 or 9. He developed a tumor that the vet felt would best be removed and suggested neutering as she felt hormones could help it to grow back. After he was neutered my daughter, a teenager at the time commented "he seems so much happier". Theis boy could always advise me when to breed our girls but he was not bothered by their cycle anymore. Go ahead and neuter him with no worries.

Re: Neutering a stud dog ?

I neutered a five yr old boy who really struggled when females went into season prior to neuter (would not eat, anxious, etc). I will say he also seems SO much happier as a result! He does not have ANY difficulty when females go into season now. I would strongly encourage you, also, to collect and freeze him prior to neuter- that way you will have access to "him" post procedure. JM experience and HO. (Oh, the only issue post was weight gain secondary to change in his metabolism- so, we get more exercise and watch his diet) Good luck!

Re: Neutering a stud dog ?

It's great to read that your boys are happier neutered.
My boy is definitely a good gauge for knowing when to breed the girls, but his happiness is all that matters to me right now. As I said he is very special and it's HIS turn now.
Thanks for the replies. I had pretty much made up my mind but now I feel more confident in my decision.

Re: Neutering a stud dog ?

I have a stud that I am about to get him fixed because he has become so aggresive. With no girls in heat he wants to kill any male dogs that comes around. So I am wondering if this will end or if it is just his personality now? Sweet boy other than that.