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BISS Am./ Can. CH. Waifin's Fly Cabot to Torngat

A huge congratulations to Jill for finishing Cabot today at the COLRC shows. "Cabbie" is such a beautiful boy with such a fabulous personality. Our "GIRLS" are so lucky that Ed and Margie Miller shared him with all of us here in the states. What an accomplishment finishing him in just 5 Specialty Shows. You must be so thrilled!!! One last congrats to Dr. Leslie Personett (Waifin) for breeding this amazing boy!

Does this mean that "Piggy" and "Lamb" finished their championships too???

Re: BISS Am./ Can. CH. Waifin's Fly Cabot to Torngat

WOW!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! What a beautiful boy.

Leslie: You done good.

Re: BISS Am./ Can. CH. Waifin's Fly Cabot to Torngat

Congratulations to all involved!!

Re: BISS Am./ Can. CH. Waifin's Fly Cabot to Torngat

Congratulations! He is one handsome fellow!!

Re: BISS Am./ Can. CH. Waifin's Fly Cabot to Torngat

Huge congrats Margie and Jill and of coarse Cabbie!!! I am so happy for you all!

Re: BISS Am./ Can. CH. Waifin's Fly Cabot to Torngat

I would SO love to see Cabot in the flesh. He is absolutely GORGEOUS in his pictures. Congrats!!!
He's Lovely!!!!

Re: BISS Am./ Can. CH. Waifin's Fly Cabot to Torngat

Congrats to Jill, Cabbie and his owners. WTG! I think he deserves another bubble bath LOLOLOL. Tub will be waiting. I can put candles and rose petals around it if you want.

Congrats to all the winners

Re: BISS Am./ Can. CH. Waifin's Fly Cabot to Torngat

Congratulations to all!

Re: BISS Am./ Can. CH. Waifin's Fly Cabot to Torngat

Thank you everyone. You've all been so kind to and supportive of Cabbie since he's taken over Jill's life. He appears to be enjoying you all and your Labradors. What we owe to Jill and Leslie can never be expressed fully. Our hearts are exploding with pride.

Re: BISS Am./ Can. CH. Waifin's Fly Cabot to Torngat


Re: BISS Am./ Can. CH. Waifin's Fly Cabot to Torngat

Jill you are amazing. Way to go with such a beautiful boy and to his owners and breeder, What a time this boy will have. Love the pedigree for sure.

Re: BISS Am./ Can. CH. Waifin's Fly Cabot to Torngat

Way to go guys! Congrats to all.