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Any suggestions for a one year old who has never liked to eat? Would like to put a few pounds on.

Re: Appetite

Had the same experience before with my little "Buyboy". My suggestion is to visit a vet with your puppy and had your puppy checked so the vet could recommend some vitamins perhaps to improve your puppy's appetite. Another one you can try this time is to bring your puppy to some dog events near your place, sample of events are posted online on some dog bakery website like this one I found in
This will allow your puppy to socialize with other dogs and will be excited to see dogs eating and enjoying at the same time. This will surely boost your puppy's appetite. Or maybe adopt two more puppy if you can to achieve this same approach. It works with our three puppies.

homemade dog treats
Woof Gang Bakery Lakewood Ranch

Re: Appetite

I had a girl a few years ago who was like this...nothing wrong with her, just didn't have much enthusiasm for eating.

If this is the case and you'd just like to put a few pounds on her, here's the trick that worked for me: get a box of puppy cookies (Milkbones or equiv) and break up a few of them over each meal.