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Re: Congrats on Bellwether's fantastic weekend!

Big congratulations to Tina on her terrific
weekend at Bare Bones and the Middleburg
show on Sat. Her lovely puppies Bellwether Trendsetter took Best In Sweeps and her boy Bellwether Thunder took RWD from the 12 - 15 mo class. Thunder then took Best In Sweeps the following day at the Middleburg show. Okay, time for some website photo updates!

Re: Congrats on Bellwether's fantastic weekend!

Thank you Heidi!
There were some really drop dead gorgeous dogs there this weekend ,Baby Bella included, so the wins were quite an honor!

Re: Congrats on Bellwether's fantastic weekend!

Congratulations to Heidi and Tina on your wonderful wins this weekend!!

Re: Congrats on Bellwether's fantastic weekend!

Ditto! I was admiring Tina's girls at Mid Jersey too!


Re: Congrats on Bellwether's fantastic weekend!

Congrats Tina!! WTG!! You too Heidi!

Re: Congrats on Bellwether's fantastic weekend!

WOW! Good for you Tina! You had a darn good weekend....Congratualtions!!

Re: Congrats on Bellwether's fantastic weekend!

Not sure but I think her girl was best in sweeps, reserve WB and best puppy at BBones?

Re: Congrats on Bellwether's fantastic weekend!

Not sure but I think her girl was best in sweeps, reserve WB and best puppy at BBones?

Yes, she was. I'm thrilled for Tina about Vera's and Thunder's wins!!! And for Heidi, too, with Baby Bella! Actually, Tina was right...there were a lot of quality dogs. All of the winners were outstanding dogs. Great judging as well!

Re: Congrats on Bellwether's fantastic weekend!

Yeah!!! to all the winners..

Re: Congrats on Bellwether's fantastic weekend!

Way to go ladies......congratulations