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Have to brag!

I am so proud of not only our dog, but for myself. I had this crazy idea to try our Chocolate girl in the field at the age of 3. Being a complete novice, I had a lot to learn. Today, at 4 1/2 years old, we completed our Junior Hunter Title at the Long Island Golden Retriever Club Hunt test. Eve is now SHR Am. Can. Ch. Beachbrooks Day Dream Believer, JH, WC, CC. (BISS Ch. Lubberline Pumpernickle X Beachbrooks Dream Come True). This also gives Eve's breeder/co-owner, Emily Magnani, her first field title. If we can stop the squealing, we will attempt to go further, keep your fingers crossed!

I have to dedicate this title to our very first show dog, Beachbrooks Mocha Chip. I wish I had the guts to try this 19 years ago, she truly loved to retrieve more than anything in life.

Time to celebrate!


Re: Have to brag!

YEEAAHH!!!!! Big time congrats!!

I know what you mean about your first dog...I just lost my foundation bitch (and first dog ever) the other day, and I will always regret not being able to dabble in any field work...that girl had so much drive it was unbelievable.

Re: Have to brag!

Hi~ A great big Congrats to you and your girl! I just love it when the dogs get a chance on birds and in the field~

You should be very proud of your girl as well as yourself indeed!~!

Re: Have to brag!

Very big congratulations on your title! You have a lot to be proud of:-)


Re: Have to brag!

Oh Michelle, I am so proud of you both!! And do I remember that first Chocolate girl,, She was insatiable, she would play "duck" for hours!! Now for the Great Grandkids!!!!! Thank you both for doing what I have only thought about. Emily

Re: Have to brag!

Congrats! Celebrate away you deserve it

Re: Have to brag!

CONGRATULATIONS Michele and Eve!!!!!!! Wish I had been there to cheer you on!

Re: Have to brag!

Hey! Congratulations! I hope that Buzz can take some credit for inspiring you when you came to watch him run for his JH on LI! BTW, I think I have your camera lens cap from when you took pictures! Are you missing it???? Congratulations again to all 3 of you!

Re: Have to brag!

We just have to say CONGRATULATIONS! We are so happy for you both. Good work!

Re: Have to brag!

Huge Congrats to you and Eve!! Job well done.
You love working with your dog ~ Go for the Senior Title, Eve might surprise you!
Take a trip to RI ~ You are welcome to train with the "Sea Dogs" and the "Riff Raff Gang".

Hey Dr. Kathy..when I read your email I cracked up!!Does Buzz have a new job as a "Field Mentor"?

Along with Michele and Eve..I had a great weekend on LI too!
Dazzle, DaisyMae and Hildi Bear (Buzz's daughter) each earned 2 legs towards their senior hunter titles!

I LOVE Long Island!!
