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Potomac 2010 Judges

The LRCP received approval for the 2010 judging panel from AKC on Saturday, so here it goes:

Winnie Limbourne (Wingmaster) - Breed, All Non-Regulars (except Stud Dog & Brood Bitch), Junior Showmanship
Philippe Lammens (of Misty Dreams, France) - Dogs, Stud Dog & Brood Bitch
Julie Beford (Croftsway, New Zealand) - Bitches
Mary Roseberry (Rozzay) - Sweepstakes, Puppy Dogs & Veteran Dogs
Linda Bednarski (Tullamore) - Sweepstakes, Puppy Bitches & Veteran Bitches

Janet Lewis - Obedience & Rally
Ed Whitney - Obedience & Rally

Re: Potomac 2010 Judges
