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Linda Weikert update

To all our Labrador Community friends,
I wanted all in the labrador community to know that Linda (Weikenlin Labradors/MN) is near the end of her two year battle with liver cancer. She is at the U of M hospital in Mpls. Mn, surrounded by her family and friends. Your prayers and thoughts for Linda are deeply appreciated.

Ken and Aaron Weikert, Weikenlin Labradors

Re: Linda Weikert update

Ken and Aaron -

We are so sorry Linda's battle is ending as soon as it is. One of the things we will always remember about Linda is that she was always ready for a conversation anytime you saw her! She never complained about what she was going through and she was often concerned about others during times when we were concerned about her. Weikenlin Labradors sold us our first two labs and got us into showing, an interest that we still have today, and we thank you for that. Our girl Kayla still would throw herself at Linda's feet when she heard her voice and Kayla is 9 years old! Linda made an impression on all she came in contact with.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do for your family.

Jennifer and Don Leary

Re: Linda Weikert update

Ken and Aaron,
I only met Linda a few times but loved her from thje moment we met. Whenever I saw her she always wearing her wonderful smile and encouraging everyone in her path! I pray Linda will rest easy and be pain free. Keep the Faith!

Sherry Geurts

Re: Linda Weikert update

My heart and prayers go out to you and Linda.

Re: Linda Weikert update

Ken & Aaron -

We are so sorry to hear this news. Linda has a wonderful spirit. I remember the first time I met was at our very first trip to the LRCTC show many years ago. She was so kind to us. You, Linda and your family and friends are in our thoughts and prayers.


Re: Linda Weikert update

I'm so sorry to hear about Linda's long fight with cancer. I will miss seeing her friendly face and her upbeat attitude at the Minnesota shows.

Re: Linda Weikert update

Ken & Aaron,

It's very unfortunate that we've never had the opportunity to meet you or Linda, but we are so very sorry to hear that she is so ill just the same. You all are a great asset to our Labrador community and her loss will be heavily felt. We are sending good thoughts and prayers for all of you, and we hope that Linda is comfortable and pain free.

Steve & Darcy Litzinger

Re: Linda Weikert update

I'm very sorry, Ken.

Re: Linda Weikert update

I am so sorry Ken. Linda was such a fighter with this terrible disease, I thought she might just beat it. Please let her know that she is in our thoughts and prayers.

Re: Linda Weikert update

Ken and Aaron, I'm very sorry to hear this news. Whenever I saw Linda she was so upbeat and quick to smile; it was hard to believe that she was fighting such a tough battle.
It's good to know that she has her loved ones with her. Many thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Joy Van Niel

Re: Linda Weikert update

Ken & Aaron~ Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and Linda.
Tina and Paul Jewett

Re: Linda Weikert update

Ken and Aaron,

I am so very sorry to hear about Linda. My thoughts and prayers are with both of you at this time. Whenever I think of Linda, I remember the May show this year and how excited she was and the funny stories she told that weekend. It brings a smile to my face. She had such a good time showing all the dogs.

Re: Linda Weikert update

I spoke to Ken yesterday and at that time Linda was still hanging on. She is comfortable and will be transferred out of the hospital today for hospice care. Your thoughts, prayers and kind words have been comforting to the family.


Re: Linda Weikert update

I'm sorry, hope she's feeling better. Hang in there Ken.

Re: Linda Weikert update

So sorry to hear this. Ken, please tell Linda my thoughts are with her and your family and I hope she is comfortable as she nears the end of her journey here on earth. (Deb in WI who knew Linda from the specialties up there.)