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COLRC Thank You

First I would like to thank all the people who congratulated Sulley and I in person, via email, and via the forum. Words cannot express the thrill that I had on Friday when Sulley took WD at COLRC. It was a day that I will never forget.

Secondly, I would like to thank COLRC for putting on such a wonderful specialty. The hospitality was wonderful - the food was scumptious, the coffee was outstanding all 3 cold/damp mornings, the dessert ringside on Friday was thoughtful, all those great first place prizes were great, the raffle was very well put together, but best of all was the friendliness of everyone. For all of you who worked so hard to put the specialty together, THANK YOU!!!!!!

Re: COLRC Thank You

You are so welcome Judy, we all worked very hard to pull this Specialty off, the weather was brutal, the dogs were fabulous, and friends were great to see !

Central Ohio LRC
Hospitality Chairperson/deb lewis