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Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada-like Syndrome (VKH)

Has anyone dealt with this syndrome in Labradors and is it in specific lines?

Re: Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada-like Syndrome (VKH)


Not in Labradors, but I had an Akita in the early 90s who developed it. I was told it was more common in the Northern breeds. She was 5 when she was first diagnosed, she went blind inside of a week. I'm in NJ and was sent to Dr Michael Ringle of RBVH. Through medication, he got her sight back for 2 and 1/2 years....she stayed on a maintenance dose of pred eye drops and something for glaucoma and really did fine as long as her surroundings didn't change....when outside, she'd travel with her head close to the ground. We lost her at 12, so all the medication for all those years really didn't take time off her life 12 is old for an Akita....I credit Dr Ringle for his very aggressive treatment. Good Luck