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Let's talk about integrity. How we as fellow breeders treat each other, is it different in other areas of the world?
Are there really that many unscrupulous Labrador breeders among us ?
Do I park my van at Potomac next to someone that is not paying their stud fee? Or someone that has not honored their word ?

Re: Integrity

Or a breeder who has been less than honest about their dogs health, pedigrees, temperaments?
A breeder who has attempted to trash another breeders reputation with damaging fabrications because of a personal dispute?

Re: Integrity

The world of Labradors is just a reflection of the world we live in. A breeder that lies about testing, is dishonest to other breeders and/or clients is no different then he/she is with anything else in their lives. Integrity is integrity. Does not matter if it's in the Labrador world or just life.

Lucky enough there still are very honest and up front breeders who treat each other with respect and kindness.

Re: Integrity

Sadly there are many who put a good front up but I would never want one of my dogs to end up at their house.

Re: Integrity

very well said we are only surviving b'cause good are more than bads

Re: Integrity

Let's talk about integrity. How we as fellow breeders treat each other, is it different in other areas of the world?
Are there really that many unscrupulous Labrador breeders among us ?
Do I park my van at Potomac next to someone that is not paying their stud fee? Or someone that has not honored their word ?

Possibly, yes.

Try a disguise or a friend not in the breed sitting ring-side and you'll find out the terrible things said by some. It's not a pretty picture.

Allow any new friends or breeders the chance to earn your trust. It's the only way to try to find out who is genuine.

Re: Integrity

Very true. So next time you say something negative, look around because you never know who is listening.
But trust me, it DOES get back to your target.
This hobby has incredible ears.

Re: Integrity

First, we must define Integrity: (It is more than honesty) honesty; uprightness; morality; wholeness; unity

What we need to do is to check the motivations by which we are judging? (Actually, we can only judge ourself because only God knows the heart)

for example, what was the real reason why the stud fee not paid by the acused one of not maintaining integrity?

Was the breeding performed ethically by me, the stud dog owner?

Did the female contact something contageous or infectious on my property?

Were there any live healthy puppies born?

Do I want the stud fee weather there were puppies or not, --- because I am greedy?

Was there neglect on my part part?

Did I provide stud dog clearances?

Did I lie about stud dog clearances?

Did I tell the bitch owner than my stud dog never produced any defecets (knowing in my heart he did)

Did I provide a written contract to avoid confusion?

or perhaps did the bitch owner maybe had a financial problem & could not pay the stud fee to me?

If there were puppies born, the stud dog should use WISDOM, and wait until stud fee is collected before signing AKC litter papers.

Integrity is doing the right thing -even at the wrong times.

Integrity is owning up to mistakes, not covering them up.

What ever we sow, we will reap.

Re: Integrity

Integrity and ethics are getting harder to find the more competitive dogs get. Unfortunately there are breeders so hell bent on success that they will fudge, deny, flat out lie about health issues, testing ect in order to save face and protect their name. I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around, the lies will be exposed and the bite will be much worse than the bark. It is just unfortunate that there will be so many dogs and people hurt along the way in the name of success.

I do have to say though that when you find a good breeder, they are wonderful. Their knowledge and their ability to be forthright about not only success, but also failure, is refreshing!!

Re: Integrity

Integrity and ethics are getting harder to find the more competitive dogs get. Unfortunately there are breeders so hell bent on success that they will fudge, deny, flat out lie about health issues, testing ect in order to save face and protect their name. I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around, the lies will be exposed and the bite will be much worse than the bark. It is just unfortunate that there will be so many dogs and people hurt along the way in the name of success.

I do have to say though that when you find a good breeder, they are wonderful. Their knowledge and their ability to be forthright about not only success, but also failure, is refreshing!!

Don't think this hasn't happened in the past. Why do you think we have all of these research programs happening today for different diseases such as TVD and epilepsy?

Some people hid and lied about health going back a long time ago. That is part of the reason we're in the situation we are today although some will not acknowledge it.

When those marker test come out, the beautiful labrador population will dwindle some. Had those that did not divulge these health issues been honest back then, we wouldn't be in this shape today.