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Frontline or Frontline Plus on pregnant girl?

We have never had any issues with fleas, then we baby sat a friends dog a few weeks ago. We now have fleas. We have tried everything we can along the natural route, but I can't get rid of all of them. My vet has advised me to use Frontline or Frontline Plus to just take care of the issue before it becomes a problem. Thing is, we just bred one of our girls. I know the labeling says it is safe for use on pregnant bitches, but do any of you use it on yours?

Re: Frontline or Frontline Plus on pregnant girl?

I had to use Frontline when the exact same thing happened - a visiting foster dog had fleas even though he was bathed before coming. I had just bred a girl the week before but I had to Frontline everyone - they were loaded in a matter of days. So everyone was treated, beds washed, house vaccumed (I didn't use any spray in the house). Well the fleas disappeared - yeah but 4 weeks later they returned with a vengence. So I had to Frontline everyone again including pregnant bitch. That did the trick - Frontline recommends treating 3 times every 4 weeks to stop the life cycle. My bitch had 8 healthy puppies.