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Please update specialty listings

The specialty calender on this forum is a great source for show info - please can club members update their specialty listings for 2010??

Re: Please update specialty listings

If you need to look up dates and judges, go to the AKC site instead of relying on others to put the information up. It is really easy to use and you can look up future specialties and their judges there.

Re: Please update specialty listings

AKC only has the info once they approve the judges slate. The specialty page has the disclaimer "pending AKC approval" so you might get more notice.

Re: Please update specialty listings

The specialty listing on this site is so very handy. Just Lab specialties listed all in one location.I hope it does get updated.

Re: Please update specialty listings

Might not want to wait
AKC only has the info once they approve the judges slate. The specialty page has the disclaimer "pending AKC approval" so you might get more notice.

How much time do you need? 2 months, 3 months? I was checking out specialties through March of 2010 (a good 5 months in advanced)! It's also nice to check out other shows in the area since I may like the judges better and the economy being the way it is, if I have a better shot at points at the all breed show, I'd prefer to spend my very limited show budget on that.

Re: Please update specialty listings

Per AKC rules -

"The show-giving club must not advertise or publish
the name or names of any of the judges which it has
selected until the complete list has been approved by
The American Kennel Club."

A club can open themselves up for discipline if they post a judging panel before it's approved at AKC. Disclaimer or not, the only way this site would get the proposed judging panel would be for a club to provide it - thus doing exactly what the AKC prohibits. Now the dates would be helpful a year in advance...

Re: Please update specialty listings

Yes! Just dates would be great - I realize the judges may not be approved yet - but I'm interested in when the specialties are for 2010.