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Using Diatomaceous as supplement on kibble and in humans

I was wondering if anyone has used this DE powder on their dogs and or on self and if so, did you like the results ?

I bought a big bag of it from the link above and have used it on my dogs for 4 days now. My 2 girls who have had mushy stools most of their life now have normal stools after only using the DE on their kibble for 4 days. It's suppose to be good for intestinal parasites and fleas to.

Re: Using Diatomaceous as supplement on kibble and in humans

I've used it for years. If using it on a daily basis, you should really give it away from food as it can bind to certain nutrients and block their absorption. Give it in a small little meal, just enough to mix it in.
Make certain it is mixed in with the food as it can cause respiratory issues if inhaled.