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Micro chip placement

I searched the archives and didn't find this question addressed so perhaps someone could give me the benefit of their experience or someplace to go for info. When you have your dogs micro chipped, do you do sub-Q or IM placement? Thanks

Re: Micro chip placement

I have been doing it for 12 years and my technique is a little of both.
When I first started I would just go under the skin at the withers, but found those chips would migrate down to the chest or feet.

So now I put my thumb of my left hand on the spot.
Then the right hand inserts the needle, first at a 45 degree angle until I feel the top of the muscle, then I flatten back out.
Before I remove needle, I use my thumb to put pressure down to stop the microchip from pulling back out after the needle.

This all takes less than a second, no yelping, no blood and I have not had migrating chips since I started to catch the top of the muscle.

Never insert this needle directly into a muscle like an IM shot.