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Garage Sale - final tally

The check is in the mail – to the University of Missouri, that is. We received a check for the last pledge this morning, so were able to send donation checks along with the proceeds of the garage sale, to the U. Mo. to be used for canine epilepsy research.

We have lots of people to thank. Because of the nor’easter that came uninvited to the Mid-Jersey specialty show, the wind and rain scuttled our plans to have every contributor sign in so we could acknowledge each one individually. It would have been wonderful, but the weather did not permit. I can tell you that we had donations from Hawaii, California, Alaska, Colorado, and Florida, as well as from many exhibitors from the east coast and all over the USA. It was truly amazing to see the support coming from lab lovers everywhere.

While our intrepid crew was huddled under the tent with all the merchandize, I was safe and warm inside, whelping a litter of 5 black boys!!!! I wish I could have been there. (A couple of bitches would have been nice too.) ;-) The main crew consisted of Micki Beerman & Sarita Gellman (of AKC’s “Meet the Breeds” fame) and Nancy Barnett. I am sure there were others who pitched in, and while I don’t have names, I thank you all!

Counting contributions from individuals, plus the money from the garage sale, we were able to send $1035.50 to U. Mo. for epilepsy research. It is a very good start. Blood contributions are coming in, and our minimum goal of 25 sibling pairs is getting closer. Thanks to everyone for all your help and support for this important cause.

Re: Garage Sale - final tally

Thanks for organizing this effort. Also many thanks to those that worked, donated items and those who bought items and made contributions. And especially to those who are submitting blood.

Re: Garage Sale - final tally


Re: Garage Sale - final tally

Julia said it all, and very well. Thanks, Joan for the idea and organization, and thanks to everyone who has helped! MJLRC is a great club with some awesome people in it, and the Lab community as a whole is pretty darn wonderful.