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Eye stain

What causes the brown tear stain in yellow pups, and is there anything you can do for it? Thank you

Re: Eye stain

If you're feeding Eukanuba it's probably beet pulp.

Re: Eye stain

They are only 5 weeks old.K

Re: Eye stain

What are you using for bedding?

Re: Eye stain

White shredded paper.

Re: Eye stain

Hmmm...I don't have any experience with that; I do know that a friend of mine who used fine wood shavings would have problems with the puppies' eyes tearing up some from the dust.

From where do you get it? Is it at all possible that it's producing any dust?

Other than that I'm not sure...

Re: Eye stain

It's not from beet pulp.

It's caused by rapid changes in your puppies face due to growth and new teeth. If there are black puppies in the litter they probably have it too, you just can't see it. They will outgrow this.

Re: Eye stain

Agree. Mine have the stains around 6 weeks (not all the pups) and they pretty much disappear by 8-9 weeks. I do wipe them with a cotton ball a few times a day.

Re: Eye stain

In my last litter I had several that had bad tear staining starting at 6 weeks - it worsened on two of the pups and when they went home at 8 weeks I had to talk to the families about maybe something going on - I reassured them that they had normal physicals but the staining was really bad in the mornings - it would go away during the day for the most part. I thought for sure that I would be refunding money towards entropion surgery. Nope - staining went away by 12 weeks and pups are now 7 months and eyes are all normal.

Re: Eye stain

Our yellow pup who's almost 4 months old has some tearing/staining but wiping it off with a cloth seems to do the trick. We notice it more on days when it's dry/windy/dusty for both him & his 6 yr old black "brother".