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Avid Microchips

I give up! It's been a few years since I needed to order new chips, and now I can't find where to order them... Does anyone have the link? I use the Euro chips.

Re: Avid Microchips

Re: Avid Microchips

I just ordered chips from Microchip ID and they informed me that many breeders are no longer using the AVID chips due to an insurance policy that is mailed to customer and a portion of the proceeds goes to HSUS. So he recommended using the Home Again chips for a little less money and you won't be supporting HSUS.


Re: Avid Microchips

I wonder what insurance policy they are talking about. Must be new in the last year or so because I register all my dogs with Avid (bought directly FROM Avid) and never saw anything like that.

Re: Avid Microchips

The AKC/CAR microchip is available to breeders. You can order directly from the company. The last time I looked (spring)they had an option where you can order the chips in groups of 5. It also includes an option for a prepaid enrollment fee that is discounted. Overall I believe the chip plus enrollment has been $15-20.

They also have a newer one piece chip/implant device that is more similar to the other brands.

sorry I don't have any info on AVID.

Re: Avid Microchips

I've always gotten the HomeAgain chips from Revival. The pricing is as follows:

1 - 4 $14.99
5 - 24 $12.99
25+ $9.99

Re: Avid Microchips

Thanks for the tip earlier this year Wendy! If you order 20 chips from AKC CAR and they get registered, they will send you another 20 at no charge! I bought the prepaid ones and still registered them myself for my puppy families to make sure they truly got signed up. Some forget to do registration with excitement of the new puppy, etc. I may not use all 20 right away but friends can share the cost. When your first 20 are all registered, you could always donate the free 20 to a shelter or rescue organization.

Re: Avid Microchips

Can you give me more info on the HSUS insurance issue? I don't want to invest in a new scanner unless I know for sure. My scanner doesn't read the AKC chips, and I also need chips that Europe accepts. I use CAR and not the AVID registration system, so I think I probably bypass the HSUS problem by doing that.

Re: Avid Microchips

"breeder", what link are you using to order directly from Avid? The web site doesn't seem to be up. And I won't order from Lambert due to previous order screw ups.

Re: Avid Microchips

Nancy, Microchip Systems ID comes up for me, but I think they did update the site not too long ago.

Re: Avid Microchips

I've only used the Home Again chips and ordered from Lambriar Vet Supply. I've heard of too many cases where the AVID and AKC chips have moved. I don't know if it's the person doing the insertion, but the comments came from 2 vets I use. I'm curious to know whether others have heard the same.

Re: Avid Microchips

I ordered Avid chips today for my litter of puppies. I asked them about the HSUS stuff and the person told me that was a rumor going around and it is absolutely false. BTW the chips where $10.75 each. But you must purchase them in 5's.

Re: Avid Microchips

just ordered new AVID chips Revival,
no such insurance paper sent.

Re: Avid Microchips

I am pretty sure that they send the insurance paperwork to your puppy buyers when they register the chip. The unsuspecting puppy buyer (may) buy the insurance policy that benefits/funds HSUS. I have been told the same thing as Debbie, so I plan on buying the Home Again chips in the future.