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Gabapentin use in dogs

I have an 11 year old girl who has had a TPLO in both rear legs. As she has gotten older she has gotten stiffer in the rear. She is currently on Tramadol for pain. Has anyone heard of using Gabapentin in dogs? The vet stated that is one option we have to help her with pain and stiffness before moving to a narcotic. We would use it in addition to the Tramadol. She gets glucosamine with condroition and has for years. Any experience you can share would be appreciated.


Re: Gabapentin use in dogs

Yes -- gabapentin is used with tramadol to break the pain cycle that would otherwise continually reinforce itself. Amantidine is another medication that is sometimes used with tramadol for this purpose.

Good luck with your girl.

Re: Gabapentin use in dogs

Have you tried Trixsyn or Lubrisyn?

Re: Gabapentin use in dogs

I have not used either of the above. Have you had any luck with either one?

Re: Gabapentin use in dogs

When you used it, what was the dosage?

Re: Gabapentin use in dogs

I have not used either of the above. Have you had any luck with either one?

Yes I have tried both with excellent results, they work better than G&C. I prefer Trixsyn because it's easier to dispense. I give 1/2 teaspoon 2 x's per day. I get the Large dog strength. Read more at

Re: Gabapentin use in dogs

I have not used either of the above. Have you had any luck with either one?

I have tried both with good results, works better than G&C. I prefer Trixsyn because it's easier to dispense and I give 1/2 tsp. 2 x's per day. I get the Large Dog strength. Read more at

Re: Gabapentin use in dogs

I'll try to find the bottle, ot I'll call my vet in the a.m.

Re: Gabapentin use in dogs

Thanks for your help.

Re: Gabapentin use in dogs

good stuff
I have not used either of the above. Have you had any luck with either one?

Yes I have tried both with excellent results, they work better than G&C. I prefer Trixsyn because it's easier to dispense. I give 1/2 teaspoon 2 x's per day. I get the Large dog strength. Read more at

Yes this stuff really works. I use the Trixsyn because their is no conflict with vit. C.