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Dog placed in a pet home

I have not had to place very many adults at this time. Had a 2yr old girl that didn't make it in my breeding program. I talked to a family with no children and everything seemed to be great(I even had them come out to visit her and to get a chance to meet with them and discuss our girl and there current girl, they have already purchased from another breeder a five yr old also that was more used to a kennel setting who did not have any problems with other dogs before(was kept in a kennel with another dog). They got our girl last night and introduced them; there girl does not seem to like her a bit showing teeth and growling. Our girl is very passive and has showed the dog no aggression at all. The family called today very worried that our girl will not work out for them and asked for any advise. I tried to offer some advise but from the conversation I am feeling they want to return her, which is never a problem we will gladly take her back. Well I have a few question is one day enough time to know this is not going to work out? And is there any advise that I can pass on to help this go more smoothly for them? Also if this does not work out due to these reasons what about refund,do you give full? I just want to help this family. They have kept her tonight and are going to try some of my tips to see if things go better for the two girls and will be reporting back with me tomorrow. I did explain to the family that this was there girl showing our girl she is the alpha over her.

Re: Dog placed in a pet home

you give a full refund YES! they have had her 1 day, sheesh!!!
you get her out of there before she gets hurt!

Thanks for the sheesh...there is no debate between me and the family as to refund. I just wanted others opinion without flames Everyone always assumes the worst on here.(mostly why I dont come on here much anymore)Please try and keep this polite and be helpful. My number one concern is my girl. My thoughts on that question was I always offer a refund or puppy on my young puppies... and with this girl acting this way I would definately not want to expose a puppy to this if the our older girl wont work out with her so refund is the only way to go. I tried to be specific...I should have been more on this also.
As far as...get her out before she gets hurt. I had the family introduce them by her dog out and our girl in a crate to keep things safe. After the way the dog acted I told them not to let them out around each other. To crate her girl before she gets our girl out for even potty breaks... I would have been happy to have her back tonight but we are out of town and noone home who could get her.

Re: Dog placed in a pet home

you give a full refund YES! they have had her 1 day, sheesh!!!
you get her out of there before she gets hurt!

Re: Dog placed in a pet home

Take her back immediately before she gets hurt.

One thing I try to remember is that not every person gets along with every other person - sometimes we just don't like a person. Why should dogs be any different?

Give a full refund.

Re: Dog placed in a pet home

I would say that if the people really like the dog, and their other dog is just growling, and not charging her, to give it a few days.

Keep reassuring both dogs, play with them and take them for walks, together. It's very possible it will work out.

They just need to have patience. JMHO

Good luck.

Re: Dog placed in a pet home

You should be going over there and assessing the situation.
Pet families are not qualified to assess temperaments. That's our job as breeders.
They could be totally off base here. How many times have you heard pet families returning 12 week old "aggressive" puppies?

Also, dogs tend to act agressive through fences and crates when they never would do a thing outside those boundaries.
The ONLY way to assess this properly is for YOU to go there and do it face to face on leashes in neutral territory.

Re: Dog placed in a pet home

Note that phrase Also used- "neutral territory". The dogs should be introduced somewhere other than the home the other dog has been living in and under a controlled situation.

Re: Dog placed in a pet home

The family dog is most likely picking up on the anxiety of the homeowner, which is making things worse. I would work with them and assess the situation. Sometimes the home dog will accept, sometimes not.

As others said, assessing on neutral territory is always good. The homeowner has to find a way to clear his or her head of the anxiety, and see if that makes a difference. If you have any doubts, take your girl back. You will know when a placement is right, when they wag their tail and don't look b ack.

Re: Dog placed in a pet home

Introducing a second dog into a home can be made easier if the first dog is given her deserved "top dog" place on the totem pole by 1) putting her food bowl down for her to start eating before placing the second dog's bowl down, 2) petting the first dog before the second, 3) allowing the first dog to sit closer to you if she wants, 4) allowing the first dog to go in and out of the doorway before the second dog, etc. Sometimes with this sort of reassurance, they can go ahead and relax and the dogs will become friends.

Re: Dog placed in a pet home

peggy Stevens
Note that phrase Also used- "neutral territory". The dogs should be introduced somewhere other than the home the other dog has been living in and under a controlled situation.

Totally agree, when my pups or dogs go into a home with an existing dog, I make sure the family has plans to introduce the dogs off their property, ie. at a park, grandma's house, parking lot, etc. This greatly reduces likelihood of resident dog becoming territorial and unfriendly.