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bite changed at 15 weeks

My pick puppy has been looking good all along and suddenly when I did a routine "check out the teeth" this week she has a reverse scissors bite. Bite has been fine since birth and the litter was evaluated by fellow breeders at 7, 8 and almost 9 weeks with all bites checked and fine. No other owners have mentioned their pups' bites going off and this is something I have never encountered in my bloodline. I know they say if you're in this long enough you see it all but is there still hope it will go back to at least level? Just wondering if I should get hopes for showing her out of the list of things I want to do with her. Thanks for any constructive advice besides "place her in a pet home" as she's staying no matter what (long story of last of line, bitch had to be spayed, etc.)

Re: bite changed at 15 weeks

At 15 weeks the teeth are just beginning to fall out and you have a lot of growing to do including head structure which includes formation of the teeth and jaws. I would just sit back, dont look again, and wait.

Re: bite changed at 15 weeks

Who knows what will happen. I would keep her and do the things you want to do. See how her adult teeth look. I think someone told be years ago to buy beef knuckles for them to chew on with their front teeth. Supposed to help, but I have never tried it.

Re: bite changed at 15 weeks

I had that happpen years ago, kept her and no puppies had that issue. She was the only one I had ever had with it and her bite was fine at 8 weeks up until about 14 weeks. Two of my very old mentors told me to keep her as they had had a couple bitches each over the years that had that and only one puppy ever produced had it.
BTW Don't get teeth pulled. I haven't heard of that working , if anyone has I would love to hear about it.

Re: bite changed at 15 weeks

Thank you for the "sage" advice. I appreciate the responses. I will try not to check her bite 10 times per day and hope that things will change as she grows. Her baby teeth are starting to come out and I won't remove any or file them down as I have heard some do. Can't see that it would help anyways.