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re:light brown vaginal discharge early in bred female

Has anyone experienced where a female who has been bred two weeks earlier per trans-cervical insemination has scant amounts of light brownish/milky discharge? Temp is normal, and not drinking excess water and seems normal. A bit early for pyometra anyway. Thanks for any input.

Re: re:light brown vaginal discharge early in bred female

JMO, I would take her into your vet for a look see plus do a culture. I would put her on antibiotics until you get the results of a culture. If you use a repro vet, that would be your best bet. Most likely with an experienced repro specialist, they could look at it and be in position to give you the best advise.

Re: re:light brown vaginal discharge early in bred female

It may be implantation spotting (ova implanting in uterine wall), which occurs about 2 to 2½ weeks post insemination. Both times my dams had that happen they each had large litters. Let the vet decide what it is, though.

Re: re:light brown vaginal discharge early in bred female

Thanks for the input. After I wrote this I did call the repro vet who inseminated Gracie and she agreed that all seems normal after a surgical implant and actually was a good sign that she took to the breeding. No spotting this morning yet and vulva still semi soft. Two weeks ago this morning she was implanted. Whew!!!!! Checked her temp just to be on the safe side and 101.2 and not drinking any more water than usual, with nice clear eyes and no change in her routine.