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Puppy Insulted by Puppy Buyer

My friend has a beautiful litter of pups with a wonderful pedigree.
She has chosen those she wants to keep and will sell the others as pets.
She had a "friend of a friend" come to see the pups.
The girl that was available is the smallest in the litter. Only two pounds less than the others. Very pretty, well proportioned sweet head and temperment. This jerk says "I'll give you $50 for the runt!" My friend kept her cool and told this guy that-
"The little girl is petite but certainly not a runt. A runt usually means weak or stunted which she is not. She is growing slowly and is a beautiful girl. Just because she is not as big as her sisters and brothers at this time, does not mean she will be small forever.
I do not think that I have a dog for you."
She then showed him the door.
As he was going out the door, he said "You'll never be able to sell that one. You'll have to give her away."
How would some of you handled this situation?

Re: Puppy Insulted by Puppy Buyer

I would have continued walking him to the door! Sometimes there just isn't anything to say to a jerk!!

Re: Puppy Insulted by Puppy Buyer

I think she handled it perfectly. The only other thing I would have done is kick him in the a$$ as he went out the door.

Re: Puppy Insulted by Puppy Buyer

By the way, there was more to the conversation exchange but I pared it done to the essentials.
The man had nothing nice to say about the pup. Was just looking for a cheap purchase.
I told my friend that she was lucky this guy said this.
He never would have valued the puppy and would have always thought of her as a lesser dog.

Re: Puppy Insulted by Puppy Buyer

Silly man! I had a puppy in my first litter that was smaller than all the rest. She was the only one to finish her championship!3

Re: Puppy Insulted by Puppy Buyer

Mail him a carbon of the check signed by the little sweetie's lucky new owner.

What a ##@!$&........!

Re: Puppy Insulted by Puppy Buyer

Emily Jones (Glenmirth)
Mail him a carbon of the check signed by the little sweetie's lucky new owner.

What a ##@!$&........!

Good one!!! I hope she has a way of contacting him and consider doing it.
I think she handle it perfectly. I've done it a couple of time throughout the years with a couple of puppy bargain hunters. Not for me!!!! My puppies deserve better people. Negotiating the price is a deal breaker for me. I don't mind people asking for a little discount, but putting a price on the puppy is too much.

Re: Puppy Insulted by Puppy Buyer

My parting comment would have been "I would rather KEEP her than have someone like you have her..."

Re: Puppy Insulted by Puppy Buyer

I'd have thrown in that someone has to be the smallest, just as someone has to be the biggest.

And that that little girl deserves someone far better than he is capable of being.

Re: Puppy Insulted by Puppy Buyer

I would have added my foot to his rear too, and thanked him for showing me his true personality!

Re: Puppy Insulted by Puppy Buyer

I would (and did) keep "that" puppy & grow her up. She took BOW for a 5 point major at the most prestigious Labrador show in the country and finished easily. Then went on to do more great things in the whelping box.

Re: Puppy Insulted by Puppy Buyer

I have a girl who was smallest in the litter. She is a speciality winning bitch now. :)

Guys who talk "big" have small ones themselves. Couldn't resist. ;)
