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the breeder judge list in breeder links?

Jill or someone else that can explain it, are these approved judges or breeders that are interested in judging? I understand the provisional and regular judges in the breed.

Is there criteria for someone wanting to do puppy classes and sweeps? I am breeding for 24.5 years with only 1 finished Champion and several dogs pointed towards their Championships in that length of time. Would that harm me or being active in my club and doing other things within the breed be helpful? If I were interested, do I email you for this list and do you forward this list to AKC? I thought AKC only was contacted for interest but I just became interested in the past 6 mo.

I recognized all names but 2 on the list you have.

TIA for information regarding judging and thanks for all youdo here Jill. Most of us appreciate having your list and links at our fingertips.

Re: the breeder judge list in breeder links?

why can't I open the page the list os located on?
It wants me to save it and then it won't open?

Re: the breeder judge list in breeder links?

I believe this is a list that was compiled by Cheryl Curtis of Erinhill Labs. She is an AKC judge herself. She posted on this forum for anyone who was interested in being on the list to email her.

If you want to judge matches or sweeps you can submit your name to be added to this list, or let clubs know that you would like to. It would then be up to a club to ask you to judge. There really isn't any official criteria to be a sweeps or match judge. It comes down to a club inviting you.

I'm not sure if Cheryl is who you would submit your name, or if Jill is updating it.


Re: the breeder judge list in breeder links?

why can't I open the page the list os located on?
It wants me to save it and then it won't open?

Re: the breeder judge list in breeder links?


Re: the breeder judge list in breeder links?

Listing the AKC judges is fine. However, the list of people who are interested in judging sweeps should not be posted, IMO. There are some excellent breeder names on that list. These people would make fine judges. On the other hand, since there is no "vetting", anyone can put their name on the list.

Re: the breeder judge list in breeder links?

I just opened the list as a download. It is an Excel file, so I guess if you don't have that program, you couldn't open it.

Re: the breeder judge list in breeder links?

Sorry "breeder"...I disagree. I think this is a great way for people to express their interest in getting some experience judging sweeps/matches. How else are the clubs going to know who may be interested? How are people "vetted" currently by clubs? I would guess that a club would "vet" their judges the same way they do now. All this list does is provide a cetralized is still up to the clubs to research and decide.

Re: the breeder judge list in breeder links?

Has the list been updated with more judges and sweepstake judges or is this the final list