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What are chances of

When you breed a blk girl to a CC boy of her having an all chocolate litter. She carries chocolate.

Re: What are chances of

Well...anything can happen but more than likely you will end up with a 50/50 litter or around there.

I bred two By dogs and got a litter of 5 yellows and 2 black! LOL...definately a surprise!

Re: What are chances of

I had a litter of 2 By parents and the entire litter was yellow. Crazy - And I wanted a BLACK for myself!!!

Re: What are chances of

That depends on what you want. If you want chocolate, they will all be black. If you want black, they will all be chocolate.

Re: What are chances of

voice of experience
That depends on what you want. If you want chocolate, they will all be black. If you want black, they will all be chocolate.

Re: What are chances of

Of 1 and 3. Bc to a Cy and all pups were choc.

Re: What are chances of

I had 1 litter of almost all chocolates by a Bc boy and out of one of my chocolate girls. The repeat of that breeding, I still had more chocolates than blacks.

A friend bred her Byc girl to the same Bc boy and had all blacks. Her girl was definitely Byc by DNA testing and had chocolates in a prior litter.

It should be 50-50 if you base it on 100 pups but it's always a crap shoot. You could have all chocolates, all blacks or a mixture. Remember, the 50-50 odds are based on 100 pups.

Try this site, Dian Welle has a wonderful color chart.

Re: What are chances of

Small Litters
Of 1 and 3. Bc to a Cy and all pups were choc.

I'm sorry but you're wrong, unless that's what you happened to have had. Every litter is different. 50% chocolate 50% black going by the chart and 100 pups.

According to Dian's chart
*Black who carries Choc. to Chocolate Produces 50% Bc and 50% Cc*

Too many have stole her graphics so read her copyright at the bottom.

COPYRIGHT April 5th 1998 - Dian Welle

Re: What are chances of

I had a Cc girl that I bred to a Byc boy - all chocolates (8)
Next time I bred her to a Bc boy and had 3 blks and 6 chocolates.
Anything can happen, you just don't know until they get here!

Re: What are chances of

Thank you all for your replies.

Re: What are chances of

The chances will not get what you want!!!

Re: What are chances of

Actually to answer your question, you multiply the number of puppies by the odds of producing a color.

In other words.

8 puppies

Each puppy has a 50/50 chance of being chocolate ( I think I read that it was a Bc x C)


1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 or 1/16 litters will be all chocolate.

Re: What are chances of

Actually to answer your question, you multiply the number of puppies by the odds of producing a color.

In other words.

8 puppies

Each puppy has a 50/50 chance of being chocolate ( I think I read that it was a Bc x C)


1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 or 1/16 litters will be all chocolate.

Am I reading this right? 1/16 of the litter will be chocolate?

In other words, half a puppy?

Re: What are chances of

you have the right idea but you did the math wrong.
1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/256 not 1/16

Re: What are chances of

I am deeply sorry, my math got away from me-

1 out of 256 litters will be all chocolate.

Re: What are chances of

OK, now I get it.

Re: What are chances of

Sallie M Wright
The chances will not get what you want!!!

I got lucky & I did get what I wanted. I wanted 1 or 2 chocolate girls, we had 6 chocolate girls, 2 chocolate boys, 1 black girl and 1 black boy.

She turned out beautiful. Having 6 to choose from makes it alot easier.

I have a question. If you want blacks, why not breed to a pure for black? I've heard it many times, *dang all of those chocolates* . If you don't want chocolates, don't breed to a boy that carries it is my suggestion. If you do want chocolates then breed for them and hopefully you will get what you want.

Most of all, be open to a color that isn't your favorite b/c the best pup might just be that color.

Re: What are chances of

I think only 1 person said it...EACH puppy has a 50/50 chance of being black or chocolate. I don't believe it means that you will have 1/2 black and 1/2 chocolate. So depending on the genetic match up, you COULD have all blacks or all chocolates. I had a friend with a large litter....all black except for 2 chocolates.

Re: What are chances of

Call me wrong if you want but my 2 small litters of Bc to Cy only produced choc pups.

Notice I said all pups "were" choc.

Re: What are chances of

I bred my By girl to a By boy and got 11 yellow puppies. To top that, they were ALL female.

Now what are the odds of that?

Re: What are chances of

BBEe x BBEe = 1 pup in four will be yellow.

11 puppies?

Odds of an all yellow litter of eleven are approximately 1 in 4,194,304...

Re: What are chances of

Wow! That is amazing. I believe the odds of that happening would be 1 in 8,589,934,592. Here's the math: each pup has a 1/4 chance of being yellow. The chance of all eleven being yellow is 1/4 to the eleventh power which is 1 in 4194304. Each pup has a 1/2 chance of being female. The chance of all eleven being female is 1 in 2048. Multiplying the two, the odds of all puppies being female and yellow gives the above answer. You should call Guiness!!

Re: What are chances of

Actually, some blacks and chocolate labs carry a gene that causes marbeling. I've seen chocolate marbeling in an all black litter causing the pups to be 1/16th chocolate