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Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

Is it true that the spring specialty will be Tuesday-Friday in 2010? Please let us know, as hotel reservations will need changing, and bosses need notifying!

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

The breeder seminar Tuesday and the dog show Wed - Fri

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

Well, not exactly "always been" - only about the last 5 years or so has there been a seminar on Tuesday.

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

It's always been
The breeder seminar Tuesday and the dog show Wed - Fri

Yes, we know that. The question is whether or not the SHOW has been extended to Tuesday. Are you a committee member, and do you know for sure the show itself is not 4 days?

Re: LRCP - Correct Answer IS.........

As far as a correct answer, I would wait until an actual LRCP Board Officer or Show Chairman gets on here, POSTS THEIR NAME, and answers the question.
For the most part, anonymous posts on this forum are meaningless.

Re: LRCP - Correct Answer IS.........

:) You are so correct!

Re: LRCP - Correct Answer IS.........

Somehow, since reservations have been made for months, I doubt there would be a change.

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

To my knowledge the show will be held from April 13 to April 16. We have requested from AKC to expand the show to a fourth day; I believe we do have the approval for the fourth day but we are waiting to hear back from AKC with approval for a few other things that may be held on the extra day.

There was an announcement in the Bare Bones Fall Specialty catalog for the expansion. My understanding is that judging on Tuesday, April 13 will not start until noon or 1:00pm.

I do not have answers about whether or not we will host an educational seminar this year; as soon as we have all of the details the information will be posted on the LRCP website.

Cheryl Little
LRCP Board of Directors member

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

Cheryl Little
To my knowledge the show will be held from April 13 to April 16. We have requested from AKC to expand the show to a fourth day; I believe we do have the approval for the fourth day but we are waiting to hear back from AKC with approval for a few other things that may be held on the extra day.

There was an announcement in the Bare Bones Fall Specialty catalog for the expansion. My understanding is that judging on Tuesday, April 13 will not start until noon or 1:00pm.

I do not have answers about whether or not we will host an educational seminar this year; as soon as we have all of the details the information will be posted on the LRCP website.

Cheryl Little
LRCP Board of Directors member

Thank you, Cheryl, for this helpful information. Time to call the Holiday Inn and add a day! I hope we can!!

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

Any idea when you will know for sure?

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

Just extend your hotel reservation and tell your boss you need an extra day ... both things can be easily cancelled closer to the show if not required!

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

While I love Potomac - isn't this getting a bit ridiculous? Way back when (1999 - I just checked my catalog), the show was 2 days - started Thursday morning. Then Wednesday noon, then Wednesday morning, now Tuesday noon? Bigger isn't always better.

I'm sure I'm going to be shouted down by everyone who wants more Potomac, but it does lose some of it's excitement when it goes on and on and on...

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

BIGGER ISN'T always better? Who are you kidding?

Make it a whole week!

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

There is never enough time to chill or just relax and chat with everyone. I'm all for that, go ahead and make it longer. The worlds greatest display of the worlds best dog. It's never long enough for me.

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

The reason it gets bigger and takes longer to judge all the ALL the dogs entered! If you want the show smaller, the answer is simple...Don't enter.

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

See, I knew this would all degrade into "we want more, more" - you all must be retired or not have a family and kids who you have to minimize the time away from. You're right - I probably won't enter as I can't keep taking ALL my vacation time that my family would like to use occasionally to do family things, to be selfish and go to Potomac.

Just as an aside - WHY don't you extend into the weekend instead of farther into the week for those of us with a life outside of dogs???

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

See, I knew this would all degrade into "we want more, more" - you all must be retired or not have a family and kids who you have to minimize the time away from. You're right - I probably won't enter as I can't keep taking ALL my vacation time that my family would like to use occasionally to do family things, to be selfish and go to Potomac.

Just as an aside - WHY don't you extend into the weekend instead of farther into the week for those of us with a life outside of dogs???

Have to agree I cannot afford another vacation day so I guess I will have to cut backon my entries.

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

See, I knew this would all degrade into "we want more, more" - you all must be retired or not have a family and kids who you have to minimize the time away from. You're right - I probably won't enter as I can't keep taking ALL my vacation time that my family would like to use occasionally to do family things, to be selfish and go to Potomac.

Just as an aside - WHY don't you extend into the weekend instead of farther into the week for those of us with a life outside of dogs???

They cannot extend it into the weekend without getting all breed shows within 200 miles to give up their lab entry. That is the reason so many specialties are on weekdays.

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

No, Lab specialties are on weekdays as they are generally run in conjunction with all-breed shows over the weekend. The National and Potomac are the only shows I know that are during the week, not in conjunction with an all-breed show.

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

Seems kinda silly to have to take the entire week off and then get home early Saturday morning and sit around all weekend .. extend the show into the w/e. I don't have kids to worry about - mine are grown up now - but I only have so many vacation days to go around and it's a long show season ..

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

I attended my first ever Potomac this year. I found the BOB judging to be one of the most spectacular and exciting dog events I have ever seen. I just loved the format.

I found the breed and sweeps judging a bit too busy. By that I mean that I missed a lot of what I wanted to watch because I wanted to see it all lol. Impossible with 3 conformation rings going at the one time. I would have liked to take a look at the Obedience and Rally (something we don't have in Australia - Rally that is).

Maybe an extra day or two would allow the sweeps to be judged without overlapping the regular classes.

Just my thoughts. I was on holiday of course, so I didn't have bosses etc to worry about.

Would I like to go to another Potomac Specialty whatever the format? YOU BETCHA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

I understand veterans will not be shown inside the ballroom next year - is that correct?

Re: Other Specialties Held on Weekdays are....

"The National and Potomac are the only shows I know that are during the week, not in conjunction with an all-breed show."

LOL Okay you must be new to Specialties. Here is a quick partial list of other Specialties that are run on weekdays and no, they are not connected to all breed shows

Greater Pittsburgh LRC
Boston LRC
Pawcatuck LRC
Mid Jersey LRC
Raleigh Durham LRC

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

Olivia Nankivell
I attended my first ever Potomac this year. I found the BOB judging to be one of the most spectacular and exciting dog events I have ever seen. I just loved the format.

I found the breed and sweeps judging a bit too busy. By that I mean that I missed a lot of what I wanted to watch because I wanted to see it all lol. Impossible with 3 conformation rings going at the one time. I would have liked to take a look at the Obedience and Rally (something we don't have in Australia - Rally that is).

Maybe an extra day or two would allow the sweeps to be judged without overlapping the regular classes.

Just my thoughts. I was on holiday of course, so I didn't have bosses etc to worry about.

Would I like to go to another Potomac Specialty whatever the format? YOU BETCHA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Olivia....... that your nicest post ever.

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

It's only one day more!

Re: Any LRCP members here to answer a question?

My problem is my job. I work for the school system and we have off a week for Easter. In 2007 that was perfect because Potomac was the same week. Since then, the show is the week after our break. It is very hard to get time off approved when you have just come back from a break.