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sniffling puppy

Is it possible that my 9 months old catch a cold ?She's been sniffling now and then ,wet nose,no fever, is healthy ,doing great.Is there a home remedy i can give her?We have a show this week end,hope she gets better or we'll have to stay home!


Re: sniffling puppy

I had three last month with the sniffles, runny nose,reverse sneezing, No temps,and behavior normal. All caught it at different times, but it went from one to the next. My vet said let it go its course if the fluid is clear and all acting normal. In the end one dog it took 5 days to clear (13 yrs), another 15 days (9 years), the third 10 days (8 months). I felt like I was in a scene out of Dr Doolittle!

Not sure what you've got, sounded similar, good luck.


Re: sniffling puppy

I had the same thing 2 weeks ago.......runny eyes, sneezing and reverse coughing or other symptoms. It started with the 9 month old pups....went through everyone and ended up with the (almost) 14 year old. It only lasted 3 or 4 days. I treated my old boy with colloidal silver....sprayed it in his mouth and throat twice a day for three days......he is perfect now. I think my pups picked this up when we were at CGC classes. It is a very mild virus....nothing like kennel cough (thank goodness) !!

Re: sniffling puppy

That's exactly it!!!I think she caught it at our conformation class.Thank you all!!!