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Morning After Pill

No...not THAT kind of morning after pill! I'm post-menopausal, for crying out loud! The least of my worries is getting pregnant. No, I'm referring to a Morning After Dog Show pill.

You see, I'm somewhat of a dog show born-again virgin after having 'retired' from dog showing in 1992; so ANY win, no matter how small or minor is still a big deal. 4th place in a class of 5? WoooHoooo, we beat a dog! 1st place in a class of 1? WOW - look at the pretty blue ribbon! It's going on the 'Wall of Fame' as soon as I get home! I've not yet developed the hard crusty exterior that scorns anything less than taking home the points or a cut in the group - that will come in a year or two, I'm sure. (Friends and acquantances may defer from making any comments at this point. Some literary license is obligatory, ya know). And a truly BIG win - like going Best Puppy in Sweeps at a specialty show - is like opium. My eyes get blurry, my brain quits functioning and goes into auto-hug mode - even the Iranian at the convenience store on the way home gets a hug, and my toes don't touch anything heavier than wool socks for days.

So, it's a high - win or lose. Toss in the obligatory 'dinner out' with like-minded show-goers, the near-constant phone calls all the way home talking about the wins, the losses, and other exhibitors, and you have an almost certain skid into a post-climactic adrenal dump.

Then you arrive home and find 3 days worth of poop in the kennel runs, empty water bowls ('but I just filled 'em this morning', they proclaim), and a kitchen that looks like Emeril went "Bam" a few too many times and the adrenal dump becomes final. Why, just yesterday, I was on top of the hill! I was flying high, floating on cloud nine, sitting in the catbird seat. Now I'm just the cook - "What's for dinner, hon?"

So, yes...I need a morning after dog show pill. One that will maintain that high, float that cloud, kick the cat out of that seat! Only non-addictive pharmaceuticals need apply.

Re: Morning After Pill

Amen Sista!!! I am there with you!!!!

Re: Morning After Pill

Your post had me laughing out loud at work!!! Yes, I'm so addicted I sneak peeks at wiscoy and infodog throughtout the day, keeping up on gossip and planning my next dog show!! Why just yesterday I sat at my work desk frantically chatting on my cell phone with a friend at 11:30 deciding which days to enter what dogs!!! Lol

Re: Morning After Pill

Is that all you got??? Come on' I am beyond addicted to the shows. When I get back home from a weekend of shows win or lose and I have to go back to my day job, I am there physically, but my head is still at the dog shows. All I can do is wait until the week is over so I can load my dogs in my van and head back out to the shows. I love the adrenalin rush!!!

At work, all I think about is what time I am going to leave for the next show, what dogs I am bringing and then what is the next show after that one. I am constantly checking info dog for the shows coming up including over 6 months in advance and planning what dogs to take to what shows and booking my hotel rooms. I see no relief in sight.