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Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

I've been having buyers tell me that my pups are too old at 15 weeks. They say their kids need the "whole" puppy experience.
I hardly think a 15 week old pup is not a puppy.
I wince when I hear this but what's a good response?

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

ARE YOU NUTS?! (first response that comes to mind!).

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

It was nice meeting you see ya......

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

This is my pet peeve right now. I have a 19 week old puppy that has had 6 families come and look at her and not want her because she's TOO old, she won't bond, we want the cute cuddly stage (with razor sharp teeth, go for it!). Same price as they were 8 weeks, but the added bonus of Fully vaccinated, house broken and basic obedience. I get so irritated with people that say well "what's wrong with her since she's left"
Drive's me crazy!!

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

They obviously DON'T know what they are missing!!! JMO

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

Chantel @ Koa
This is my pet peeve right now. I have a 19 week old puppy that has had 6 families come and look at her and not want her because she's TOO old, she won't bond, we want the cute cuddly stage (with razor sharp teeth, go for it!). Same price as they were 8 weeks, but the added bonus of Fully vaccinated, house broken and basic obedience. I get so irritated with people that say well "what's wrong with her since she's left"
Drive's me crazy!!

I'm having the same issue. They say I want more to pick from or the pup should be less since it's older. Then I explain that they are actually getting my first doesn't help! They want the razor teeth and no vacs ...go for it but it still makes me mad.

I get the "my dog just died and we want a new pup" story at least 2 times a day.

I wonder if I would have the nerve to say something terse to the so-called buyer...hmmmm

Any ideas how to hurry the folks along to see if they are REAL buyers or lookies?

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

Ask TONS of questions, be unfront about what's available and then ask MORE questions before you set up a visit. JMO

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

I point to the driveway, and say I have nothing for you , I can be rude too !

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

3 years ago I bought a show puppy at 3 months and then the next year I bought one at 2 months and I MUCH prefer buying one at 3 months or older. It is so much easier to house train them or do anything with them. Sayonara to these folks. They don't know what they are talking about.

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

Some people read too many books and listen to too many crackpots.

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

Now and then a family will be out to see the last remaining puppy which many times will be a black male. They too will ask me if something is wrong with him and why didn't someone adopt him already. I smile at them and say, " In every litter, someone always gets the last puppy. This puppy I consider to be the most special puppy since he gets the most attention after his siblings leave the nest. For this reason, I am also searching for a very special family who is deserving of all the " Special Ones ".

I do go into further conversation on the advantages of adopting a slightly older puppy and by the time I am finished educating them, they get over their idea that only a cute little cuddly puppy will do. I am brutaly honest about what it's like raising those cute little bundles of joy, raining on their parade but at least they get a more realistic picture of what raising a Labrador puppy really entails.
When my pups are 8 weeks old, most of them weigh in at 17 to 20 pounds. When families come out to visit the pups, I show them what their cute little puppy will look like a short 6 months later...70 to 80 pounds which is when I bring out my adult girls for them to see. Their expressions are priceless !!!!

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

That is the truth. Labradors are like no other dog. They bond at any age. They love humans more than any dog I've ever met and are a treasure at any age.

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

I explain to people that I "hold back" a couple that I consider pick puppies and then decide on just one so the one that's left is a "pick puppy".

Actually, I'm getting more people who want a little older puppies so they don't have to go through all the potty training. These are usually people who have been through the puppy experience once.

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

I got my black female at just under 4-months and she is now my constant companion. We bonded immediately and it was great to have the bonus of being house-broken and crate trained. Now she is pointed (loves to show), or just going for a car ride, and not to mention spoiled rotten. I wouldn't trade her for anything.

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

Oh, I hate this too...seems like each week older they get, the more they go down in value in the puppy buyers mind.

Oh gosh.

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

I raise the price each week and tell the buyers that they are worth more because of the training they've had. Teach the pup to sit, shake, down, crate train and leash break him/her. I too tell buyers that he/she was not the last pick, but the second best that I held on to longer (this is actually true as I place the definite pets first and keep the best for last). Also, give the pup a call name. Maggie, Molly, Gus, Jake... the typical pet names that people associate with. The right buyer will come, especially when buyers see how well trained/behaved little Maggie is!

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

Some of my happiest buyers were the ones who purchased 6 month olds from me. So much of the hard work was already done for them and the dogs were still puppy like at the same time. I got super feedback from the two families I sold to raving about these dogs. I think puppies hit a sort of "limbo" stage after 14 weeks. Buyers either want a real baby or one that is housetrained and able to be left in a crate for a longer stretch. Be patient and realize many people do call looking for older dogs because of their time schedule. Seems like I never have enough older dogs for the amount of inquiries I get.

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

I just had some guyk me what was wrong with the 12 month old I am placing and then proceed to tell me he asked about her only se he figured she was free since I obviously couldn't sell her!!

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

when someone asks why the last puppy has not been spoken for, I tell them I have not had anyone worthy of her/him yet.

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

Seems to me that people with that attitude are focused on the fuzzy, cuddly puppy rather than the lifetime companion. Actually, I have people right now asking me for an older, house-trained pup or dog. I had a couple but have placed them already--wish I had your pup to offer one of these families.

Re: Buyers Odd reaction to older pups

20 lbs at 8 weeks!!!! Wow, they are some BIG pups!!!!