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ounces to feed puppies

I've looked online and found lots of recipes for milk replacement for puppies. Then where the say how much to feed, everything is in calories, mls, grams and it is making my head spin. Does anyone have a chart to tell how many ounces to feed puppies. Like how many ounces would you feed a 3 pound puppy? Also how many times a day?

Re: ounces to feed puppies

I found this website to be helpful when I had to hand raise a litter :

Re: ounces to feed puppies

Why are you bottle feeding? Is the pup also getting milk from mom? When I have had to bottle feed a pup exclusively (no milk from mom), I fed 5 or 6 times a day. As far as ounces, I don't remember exactly. But, I let the pup eat all she wanted. And, with each feeding, the quantity grew.

Re: ounces to feed puppies

Thanks Linda! That is exactly what I was looking for.