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What does this mean:

TESTED: 94,96,98:
CERF Breeder's Option Code(s):

C- Condition of Cornea

Thank you,

Re: Eyes

And this?:

E1-Lens, punctate cataract *significance unknown

Re: Eyes

It means the dog was checked by a veterinarian ophthamologist in those years. A breeder's option code means something was found on the exam, but not something that CERF knows or suspects to be inherited in the breed and not something that is likely to cause blindness. Meaning CERF will issue a certificate and the breeder can decide if the something is enough to not breed the dog. Hard to say what exactly it was though from that cornea code, maybe someone else has an idea. The punctate cataract is just a small spot of cataract that isn't know to be an blinding inherited sort, sometimes a dog that is older gets them (but sometimes only a few years old), it is one that doesn't interfer with vision and probably not visible.