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how often to nurse?

This mom is not an trying to hurt her puppies but has what seems like an anxiety attack with her new puppies. She is feeding and cleaning great. Thne just start to freak out at any noise or anything around her. She starts panting like she is still in labor. Puppies are 2 days old. She picks them up walks around crying, steps on the others, covers them with a blanket, then when they cry she digs on top of them to get them out. So she has been removed from the puppies and only has then about every 2 hours with me watching. Does 2 hours sound like enough and what about through the night? TIA

Re: how often to nurse?

You need to get yourself a comfy wing back chair and sit by the whelping box all night and give the pups to her every two hours to nurse .. Was she a section? sometimes the anaesthetic makes mom act a bit strange the first few days before they settle in.

Re: how often to nurse?

Make sure she has sufficient calcium. With either lots of yogurt, cottage cheese or calcium supplements. Then start by being the calming influence as she can, and will, reflect your anxiety and it can be a Catch 22. I agree with the darkened area using a blanket to make it cave like etc. Also my girls like calming classical music.
Good luck!

Re: how often to nurse?

Had one that did exactly the same thing. It is a PITA and very stressful, but it does not last forever. I think it is hormonal. All you can do is try to keep calm. She is frantic enough for both of you. Gradually, she will become more relaxed and confident. You are in for a few tough days and nights.

Re: how often to nurse?


Re: how often to nurse?

I had a bitch that reacted the same way. She would get so worked up....her temp even spiked to 103. SHe was so sensitive to any noise....dogs barking....or anyone coming into the house. I had to stay with her for the first 4 days just to make sure she didn't bury or carry her puppies away. I kept the room quiet....did not allow anyone...even my husband in the room. She finally settled in and was a perfect mother. I did increase her calcium by giving her lots of yogurt. I am not sure that you should take her away from her puppies.....I think this may make the situation worse. If at all possible....I would stay with her and the puppies.

Re: how often to nurse?

CALCIUM!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: how often to nurse?

I would definately supplement her with calcium. I would give her Pet Calcium Tabs. NOT the vitamin Pet Tabs, but the ones with Calcium, Phosphorus and Vit D. If she were mine I'd give her 3 to 4 tabs a day. Sounds like she needs it. IMO Calcium food sources are not going to be enough for your girl. I routinely give all my lactating girls calcium on the advice on my vet. I have seen the differance it can make to a mom that's low on it and it's amazing. Let us know how she does.

Re: how often to nurse?

She is doing much better today. I have been letting her in with them every couple of hours thru the night. She stayed with them from 4 until 8 this morning before she started getting a little worked up, and that is A LOT better than before. I am giving her calcium also. It has been a ruff couple of nights and days but I am thrilled to see her relaxing some. She is a good mom just a little rough and over the top when she gets worked up. Thank you all very much.

Re: how often to nurse?

Glad that things are calming down a bit for you ..
Hang in there!

Re: how often to nurse?

And she sleeps

Re: how often to nurse?

Learn from this experience. Next litter, give 3 PetCals after the first pup is born. Then one after every second pup. Then, continue with 2 PetCals a day till weaning. Calcium is a touchy thing. Too much, no good. Too little, very bad. Don't give extra calcium before pups come. Just what is in your high quality food.

Re: how often to nurse?

Yes - do follow the calcium regime . But also - think about this: hormones are running wild at whelping time and then they do a huge change over when the mum's milk comes in. My girls even with the extra calcium take a full 2 days after whelping to "settle in" with their pups and not seem nervous or agitated. They try to huddle with the pups protectively and startle a routine sounds. When their milk comes then mum relaxes.

Re: how often to nurse?

Glad the mom is doing better. Hormones are tricky. Managing calcium, too. Continued good luck.