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Hanky Panky

Who is Devonshires Hanky Panky at Ridgecrest?, she is beautiful.

Does she has a webpage?

Re: Hanky Panky

She belongs to Betsy Broyd in NY. Not sure if she has a website.

Re: Hanky Panky

Betsy handle her at the Potomac?

Her email?

Re: Hanky Panky

Try e-mailing Allison. She may have some contact info for you.

Re: Hanky Panky

I don't see contact information but here's a FLICKR Pic. She has a pretty silhoutte.

Re: Hanky Panky

The bitch in the flicker photo is not Hanky Panky.

Re: Hanky Panky

I don't see contact information but here's a FLICKR Pic. She has a pretty silhoutte.

That does not look like her to me.

Re: Hanky Panky

Hi - I'm Betsy Broyd and I co-own Devonshire's Hanky Panky at Ridgecrest "Tease" with Allison Hillius of Devonshire Labradors. Allison has a great website, and there are a couple of nice photos of her. (Click on the tab "Bred") I am really lucky to share this beautiful girl with Allison! I hope to breed her next spring! Thanks for your nice words.

Re: Hanky Panky

The bitch in the photo is the lovely Bam, Dolce Vita Kickin' It Up a Notch, she is a Devonshire bred bitch to Rush!!! Sonya Dudder owns and bred her, and she is lovely!! Now I am off to check out Hanky Panky.

Re: Hanky Panky

The bitch in the flicker photo is not Hanky Panky.

Then who is the bitch in the flicker photo?, she is amazing, who owns her?, who is the lady with her in the photo?

Dolce Vita's Kickin It Up A Notch aka Bam

Thanks Colleen and thank you so much to all for the very nice comments on Bam. Yes the photo is of my girl, as Colleen stated, Dolce Vita's Kickin It Up A Notch. She can be seen at along with her mother & some littermates.