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Systemic Yeast infection revisited

My bitch was treated this summer with ketoconosole, antibiotics, baths, ear cleaners. In three weeks she was a different dog.

Now three months later the signs are back--hair loss on the insides of her legs and belly, hair loss around her eyes, scaly patches on her belly.

I thought when we kicked it we were home free.

How many of you have had this re-occur in a dog? I was assured the first time around by the dermatologist that it was not auto-immune or genetic...


Re: Systemic Yeast infection revisited

Is she intact? I had one years ago...we battled it for months but noticed it worsened during her seasons. Apparently this can be affected by hormones.

We spayed her and it cleared up and she was a completely different dog...gorgeous coat and no more infections.

Re: Systemic Yeast infection revisited

Yes, intact and I was planning on breeding her, which is why I asked about auto-immune or genetics being involved.

She was 4+ months overdue for a heat cycle when the first outbreak hit. Right after she finished her meds, she came into heat and had a normal cycle.


Re: Systemic Yeast infection revisited

A dermatologist I am NOT, however, my understanding of the systemic yeast problems is that they are always secondary to something else. If you haven't found the underlying issue then I would presume the yeast issue may keep recurring.

Re: Systemic Yeast infection revisited

Have you looked at The Great Dane Lady's website. She has a program to cure this on her website. I don't have any personal experience with her Blackwatch program, but it is an interesting read. I would not do this without consulting my vet first. I asked about this on the forum, not long ago, but no-one answered my question about the Blackwatch Program.

Re: Systemic Yeast infection revisited

You may want to try these:
You can pick them up a your local health food store also. I have my 14 year old girl on them and they are great.

You can also contact First Choice Naturals:

or call and talk to Natures Farmacy, I am sure they can help you out. Good Luck.

Re: Systemic Yeast infection revisited

I tried the Great Dane Lady's protocol but didn't have a lot of success with it. I have a girl who has had recurring trouble with yeast - mainly in the summer months. The thing I have found most helpful is coconut oil. Virgin, unrefined coconut oil at a dosage of 1 tsp per 20 pounds of body weight daily (to bowel tolerance, must work up to dosage). I also make sure that I'm feeding lots of meat, both in my kibble and I add fresh meat to meals. During the hot months I give Malaseb baths at least once weekly and sometimes twice. (will have to find a new shampoo now that Malaseb is no longer available)

I have also read that you can dip yeasty feet in a mixture of Betadine and water, although I haven't tried this yet myself. Good luck, I don't think this is something that you ever really conquer, just manage.

Re: Systemic Yeast infection revisited

Seems like most Vets pooh pooh wholistic treatments and diagnose the dog with allergies. If so, why does ketoconizole (anti-fungal/yeast) help these dogs? So, I'm guessing the Virgin Coconut Oil is wholistic form of anti-yeast? Grain-free food helps too. Would love to find an answer to this as it seems to be affecting a lot of dogs out there. Please post if you know.

Re: Systemic Yeast infection revisited

I never had any help with the GDL protocal. It was like putting a bandaid on a bigger issue. Like someone said, a SYI is usually secondary to other underlying issues. Our case, most likely thyroid. Environment can also play a roll.

Re: Systemic Yeast infection revisited

Ketaconozole is in Nizoral shampoo, which is for humans. Why not wash the paws with that?

Re: Systemic Yeast infection revisited

I have tried Nizoral shampoo on paws and didn't see much improvement. It seems like moisture in general is not helpful.

Re: Systemic Yeast infection revisited

My girl had trouble with yeast this spring and summer. She started off at the regular vet with a month on keto, only to have the symptoms return about a month after going off the keto. I didn't want to keep doing a cycle of on again off again drugs so we took a trip to a holistic vet. She thought the problem was a food allergy. After a food change and three months on an herbal program to kill the yeast and help reestablish the good flora in the gut, my girl is doing great.

Also, anti-fungal foot powder helped her feet tremendously when she was having problems.

Re: Systemic Yeast infection revisited

The first thing we did was change food. Lots of scrapings, etc. And then we tested thyroid--NORMAL.

She does not have trouble with her feet and she is NOT itchy. She goes bald on her underside and around her eyes. So far the yucky ears haven't recurred but I am sure that is next if we don't do something quick.

My main question is IF you get it under control and find the main cause, can this dog be bred without producing pups with the same problem? The specalist says yes, but it does concern me.


Re: Systemic Yeast infection revisited

MBR - will you share what food you switched to? Also, what is the herbal program? Please share.

Re: Systemic Yeast infection revisited

New Bdr, My girl eats Horizon Legacy Organics. It is a high protein, low carb food. It uses pea starch instead of potatoes which many of the high protein foods use as a binder. Potatoes seemed to be a problem for my dog--makes sense since they are high on the glycemic index and sugar feeds yeast.

The holistic remedy involved grapefruit seed extract to make the gut acidic to kill the yeast and two kinds of non-dairy probiotics to help with the good gut flora.

It was explained to me by the holistic vet and a regular vet that three months on the treatment was needed because yeast is good at hiding and a short dose of meds just knocks back the yeast but doesn't thoroughly kill it.