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department of revenue letters

I am curious to know in the state of Florida how many of you have recieved a letter form the the Department of Revenue?

Re: department of revenue letters

What did they say?

Re: department of revenue letters

Not good for some of us small hobby breeders? Unless there is a way to get around them some how. Guess some letter went out a few months ago and then did not hear any thing from anyone but guess in the last 2 weeks alot more letter went out. They are finding us through the State health Certf. that the Vet. has to send in. If you would like to talk let me know.

Re: department of revenue letters

Not good for some of us small hobby breeders? Unless there is a way to get around them some how. Guess some letter went out a few months ago and then did not hear any thing from anyone but guess in the last 2 weeks alot more letter went out. They are finding us through the State health Certf. that the Vet. has to send in. If you would like to talk let me know.

I got a letter and called them. She said they are getting all of their info from the internet. I just got an email from someone asking how much my puppies were. Well, that is a common email. Then the same person asked how much my stud fee was and if I boarded dogs. I think it was Florida doing a little fishing.
Email me and tell me what you know. I have yet to send in my revenue sheet.
I asked at the handling class and no one there ever got one. They are all other breeds.

Re: department of revenue letters

I tried e-mailing you and for some reason it would not go through I also called you as this would work much better if we could talk. Got you anwsering machine. I will try and go to my lap top and see if it will send you a personal email on it. We as Florida Breeders need to work together on this.

Re: department of revenue letters

yes it is a fishing trip, since the letters are form letters with individual info at the top. They figure there will be a few that will be obedient and confess to their sins...Cha Ching! Just Florida looking for money from somewhere, it has nothing to do with IRS just Dept of Revenue.

Unless the letter comes certified mail or handed to me in person....I did not get a letter.

Re: department of revenue letters

I like this !! Wish everyone took it like this and then I think they would drop the whole thing. Would Think they would have something better to do with their time and pick something that they could make lots of money on. I just wanted to see how breeders are reacting to this and their feelings.

Re: department of revenue letters

If the department of revenue gets info from you they turn it over to the IRS and you can be audited by them.

Re: department of revenue letters

Well that was what I figured.. What are we supose to do? Smile and suck it up to another lesson learned.

Re: department of revenue letters

smile sweetly and wait for the certified letter

Do not send in the revenue form unless you wan to continue to every year.
and yes they will turn if over to IRS so you will also need to start claiming it yearly as well.

Re: department of revenue letters

This just all sucks for the small hobbie breeder.

Re: department of revenue letters

I suspect this is an attempt to earn revenue as Florida has just been listed as one of 10 US States in serious Financial Crisis.

Re: department of revenue letters

Not sure what you are worried about. If you are doing things the "right" way, you should be fine.

If they make you claim income, then you also claim OUT GO. Let's see, food, vetting, housing, showing, breeding costs (down to the last squeaky toy and puppy treat).

I'm am quite sure they will find that they are knocking on the wrong door if they are interested in making a few extra bucks off us breeders who rake in the cash selling a few puppies a year!!!

Re: department of revenue letters

they are looking for sales tax on sold items (puppies)

once you start paying sales tax your income will be verififed with IRS.
then you will be fined for up to 7 years back taxes.

so unless you are going to start fresh, it will cost you arms, legs, butts, etc.

Re: department of revenue letters

You are so right that is the trouble.