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Can someone translate this to me?

"In dogs, the usual dose is 5 to 10 mg per pound (10 to 20 mg/kg) every 12 hours for up to 6 weeks"

Let's make this easy please. So in teaspoons, how much per pound?


Re: Can someone translate this to me?

You need to know how many mg per tsp you have. What are you trying to dose?

Re: Can someone translate this to me?

Nothing at the moment just trying to figure out what the correct dose is for Tylan next time I need it. I found that online and never had seen it recommended "officially" for dogs before. It's always been 'a pinch", a 1/2 tsp, etc..
I don't know how to dose mg of powder

Re: Can someone translate this to me?

math idiot
Nothing at the moment just trying to figure out what the correct dose is for Tylan next time I need it. I found that online and never had seen it recommended "officially" for dogs before. It's always been 'a pinch", a 1/2 tsp, etc..
I don't know how to dose mg of powder

Dosing info is here, at the bottom under Treatment:

Re: Can someone translate this to me?

1 teaspoon has 5 ml. How is the concentration of the product you are trying to use? How many mg are there in 1 ml?
Teaspoon is a volume measurement. Mg is a weight measurement. You would need to know how many mg are there per ml or teaspoon.

Re: Can someone translate this to me?

There are 2.2kg/lb, so you can use that scale to get your "x."
It would make sense, that if there is 5-10mg/lb, then there would be 2.2x that per kg.
Determine how many pounds your dog weighs,then you give them 5-10mg/lb as directed.
What you need to figure out, is how many mg per ml/cc of fluid once you get how many mg's to administer.

Re: Can someone translate this to me?

It is not 2.2 kg per pound. It is 2.2 pounds per kilogram.

Re: Can someone translate this to me?

I use 1/8 teas. per 50 lbs 2X a day

Re: Can someone translate this to me?

Oh brother:( I need to stop posting after brain goes to sleep! Had it backwards:(

"It is not 2.2 kg per pound. It is 2.2 pounds per kilogram."