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Do any of you feed Healthwise, a Natura dog food? Was recommended to me as an economy food. With the rising cost of everything, I am trying to cut back on price but not quality.

Re: Healthwise

I have not used this but am researching it-this is what I was told about the food :

This is Natura's "budget" line, which is not advertised or marketed - which allows them to keep the cost down. An additional reason why it is less expensive than other products is that it contains strictly meat meal, no added fresh meat (like for example the Innova and Evo lines), which makes products more costly.

Would also love to hear if anyone feeds this and how they like it.

Re: Healthwise

I really want to like this food because I respect the Natura company. I've given out tons of samples and not one person has wanted to start their dogs on it.
Ask for some samples and try some.....

Re: Healthwise

What's the price?

Re: Healthwise

it has a 1 : 0.6 Ca/P ratio. It is too much Calcium. Has someone used it on pregnant bitches?

Re: Healthwise

it has a 1 : 0.6 Ca/P ratio. It is too much Calcium. Has someone used it on pregnant bitches?

Can someone tell me what the Ca/P ratio should be for pregnant girls, and what it should be for puppies? I thought about trying it too and wondered if the cal was too high.

Re: Healthwise

1:0.8 for adults