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URGENT: vomiting dog, vet puzzled: lepto? toxins?

I have a heart clear 9 yr old spayed female, that suddenly went into a little spit up, then next day vomiting, collapse and if I understood vet, probably liver and kidney failure within 24 hours, even after vet IV care. Rule outs might include lepto or unknown toxins. She had ingested acorns, which she apparently chewed well, and those were in her vomit. She has eaten acorns all her life, as we live in an oak forest. I don't think she ate so many of the shells in her younger days.Still, they are not said to be that toxic according to vet. No apparent blockages in X-rays or ultrasound at general vet. Her 4DX, to rule out some tickborne disease, were negative. Her blood work 6 months ago was fine. Other toxins were mentioned as possible causes, but she has not gotten into anything here, nor were meds such as Tylenol dropped. I don't think the construction workers next door would have hurt my dogs--and they would have had to throw something or have it seep several feet under fence to get to them.

How does one diagnose lepto quickly? What is a good but easy on stomach, liver and kidney treatment? What are other rule outs? Time is of the essence.

I don't think the Kelfex she was given IV agrees with her, according to vet, and I am not a vet, so don't know why this was given at the time. Vet mentioned lepto as a possible differential diagnosis, but I don't see keflex as one of the many antibiotics that treat lepto. She has never had a vaccine against lepto, being a toy breed from a line that has reacted to the lepto vaccine. Then again, neither has my middle Lab gotten the vaccine.

She has improved in that she is no longer flat out, but vomiting has not stopped, although it is intermittent.

If this is infectious, I fear for my Labs and other Cavaliers. If it is a poison, I need to find it. Either way, I feel this sweet little dog is slipping away.

Thank you in advance.

Charlotte K.

Re: URGENT: vomiting dog, vet puzzled: lepto? toxins?

Pancreatitis? But I am pretty sure your vet would have recognized that.

I have no other ideas, Charlotte, but I hope she gets better soon.

Re: URGENT: vomiting dog, vet puzzled: lepto? toxins?

I am so sorry for what you are going thru. According to this acorns are toxic. Her being a toy breed it wouldn't take much IMO

I would talk to your vet about this most likely being the cause and see if there is something to counteract the toxic ingredients in the acorns.

I pray for your girl that she pulls thru this.

Re: URGENT: vomiting dog, vet puzzled: lepto? toxins?

I was told acorns are poison to your dog. This is what I found on the internet for you.

The primary toxins found in acorns are tannins and phenols. These compounds attack proteins they come in contact with possibly causing ulcers and bleeding of the mouth lining, the esophagus, and the intestines. This may be demonstrated by bloody or dark diarrhea. Additionally, the toxins are converted in the digestive tract where they may enter the blood stream causing hepatic (liver) and renal (kidney) damage and in extreme cases failure.

I think she has to eat quite a bit of them. Do you know how many of them she eats, and over a period of a week the toxins can build up?
Good luck Prayers are going up for you and your baby!

Re: URGENT: vomiting dog, vet puzzled: lepto? toxins?

Could she have eaten some kind of mushroom or fungi along with the acorns? If poisonous, that might account for kidney and liver failure. Could your vet call a local Vet School on a consult?

Best of luck, and please let us know. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your girl.

Re: URGENT: vomiting dog, vet puzzled: lepto? toxins?

Thanks all. I, too, think that she ate a toxic load of acorns, given that the shells are new to her diet and they have the most toxins, other than green acorns. She ate probably at least a half a cup from what shells I cleaned up--that is equivalent to a meal of kibble, only probably more fat (pancreatitis?). More was in her stool Much more than I would have let her eat. Someone else was "watching" the dogs left home while I was away for the weekend. If they were munching as well as playing while he was raking, I don't know how much he would have noticed. Sigh. Other than that, he does a good job.

Meanwhile, word from the vet is that her stomach has finally calmed down with a switch in meds. Thanks for the prayers--they appear to be inspiring the vet as well as helping the little dog! Her grandsire just died at almost 16 years-- a good long life that I had hoped for her, too. Thanks again.

Re: URGENT: vomiting dog, vet puzzled: lepto? toxins?

Prayers continue for your little one, Charlotte. Please keep us posted.

Re: URGENT: vomiting dog, vet puzzled: lepto? toxins?

My thoughts and prayers for your little one. I hope and pray she has a fast and complete recovery

Re: URGENT: vomiting dog, vet puzzled: lepto? toxins?

The PCR test for Lepto, developed by K-state will get you results faxed back in 2 days vs. the 4 weeks for the conventional test. Vet takes a urine sample and sends off.

Sorry I don't have the link, but try a Google search.

Re: URGENT: vomiting dog, vet puzzled: lepto? toxins?

Flashy was a beautiful Cavalier who preferred frolics at home and walks in her own neighborhood to dog shows.She passed her love for flashing speed and her willingness to please to her son, Laylagrove G.O. To Patriot AX OAJ NAP NJP. Flashy's kidneys, probably already somewhat compromised by the melamine/toxic dog foods that killed her mother and injured Labrador Dream's kidneys in 2007, could not withstand the assault of whatever toxin assailed her this week. She was so very ill so very fast, and only palliative care remained, with home care not an option. I let her go in peace last night. I had hoped that she could live a long life into her teens like her great-grandmother Goldie (Ch. Ravenrush Golden Gracious ROM) and grandsire Willie (Ch. Stillmeadow Raindance), but her sweet and healthy heart was not enough.
May God protect the rest of our dogs from whatever made Flashy so very ill.
Thank you for your support.

Charlotte K.

Re: URGENT: vomiting dog, vet puzzled: lepto? toxins?

I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. Hugs from here!

Re: URGENT: vomiting dog, vet puzzled: lepto? toxins?

Charlotte, I am so sorry. Your post has me in tears.

Its so hard to lose one of our babies.

RIP sweet Flashy and prayers for your heart to heal.