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H3N8 flue shot for dogs??

Does anyone know anything about the H3N8 Flue shot that the news it talking about?

They said that it is airborne and you can carry it home to your dogs, if you are around people that have sick dogs.

Re: H3N8 flue shot for dogs??

I heard today a friend dog got it and it had not been out of their yard. it took almost $4000.00 to save the dog they have another dog and they pre treated it.
I just had a puppy person that took her 7 month old girl to get her shot today and she goes back in 3 to 4 weeks for a booster.
This is something i am going to try and find more information on.

Re: H3N8 flue shot for dogs??

In chatting with my vet a few weeks ago, she said she had the shot available, but then a week ago I was back in for ultrasound with my pregnant (yay!!) bitch and was told that she had seen one case and was now advertising the vaccine as available. Decided not to give it to my bitch now. Wondering what to do about my other dogs, but am not getting the shot for now.

Re: H3N8 flue shot for dogs??

Re: H3N8 flue shot for dogs??

It doesn't prevent the disease, only shortens the length the dog is sick with it. Also, it doesn't prevent the shedding of the virus if your dog does get sick. So, the dogs around the infected one will still pick it up.