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Solid Hold Holistic Dog Food

Can those of you who use or have used Solid Gold Holistic dog food share your experiences. What do you like/dislike etc. What varieties do you use for your adults, adolescents, pregnant females and puppies.


Re: Solid Hold Holistic Dog Food

Of course you must know that Solid Gold is now manufactured by Diamond.

Have used in the past - had amazingly good results using the MMillenium formula.

USed to use the Hunden Flocken many years ago with the seameal. Good food - not better than others.

Re: Solid Hold Holistic Dog Food

Have used it for about 9 years. For the adults I use Wolf King. Puppies I have used puppy Wolf King or puppy Hund-n-Flocken. I prefer the puppy Wolf King. Have had better coats with it. For seniors have used Holistique Blendz. They also have a grain free food. I have thick coats with great shine, small poop given that I have labs and they only go twice a day. The body uses more of the food instead of it passing through. No allergy issues with the dogs I have on it. I highly recommend it.